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1,054 new HIV cases reported in Phl in February; 70% infected through male-to-male sex

The February 2022 HIV/AIDS & ART Registry of the Philippines (HARP) reported 1,054 new HIV cases in the country, with 95% of the new people living with HIV (PLHIV) males (1,006), and with 99% (1,039) transmitted through sexual contact particularly from the National Capital Region (NCR), CaLaBaRZon (4A), Central Luzon (3), Western Visayas (6), and Central Visayas (the regions comprising 76% of the total number of cases in this period).

HIV cases are still rising in the Philippines.

The February 2022 HIV/AIDS & ART Registry of the Philippines (HARP) reported 1,054 new HIV cases in the country, with 95% of the new people living with HIV (PLHIV) males (1,006), and with 99% (1,039) transmitted through sexual contact particularly from the National Capital Region (NCR), CaLaBaRZon (4A), Central Luzon (3), Western Visayas (6), and Central Visayas (the regions comprising 76% of the total number of cases in this period).

Photo by @reymelvinwafu from

Reflecting how HIV continues to greatly affect members of the LGBTQIA community, of the total reported cases for this period, 60% (630) were cisgender, 3% (35) were transgender women, 25% (260) identified their gender neither as man or woman. While 12% (129) do not have data on gender identity.


Key populations continue to be mainly infected with HIV in the Philippines.

For one, the virus still affected mainly young Filipinos – i.e. 50% (528) were 25-34 years old at the time of diagnosis, 30% (311) were 15-24 years old, and <1% (1) was less than 15 years old). All of the reported cases among the young were acquired through sexual contact (28 male-female sex, 218 male-male sex, 65 sex with both males and females).

There were 62 newly reported adolescents in February 2022. Of these, 19% (12) were 15-17 years old and 81% (50) were 18- 19 years old. No case was reported among 10-14 years old. All of the reported cases were acquired through sexual contact (three male-female sex, 47 male-male sex, 12 sex with both males and females). One child was diagnosed with HIV and the reported transmission was through vertical transmission (which was used to be known as mother-to-child transmission); the age of reported case was two years old.

Secondly, there were seven HIV-positive pregnant women reported at the time of diagnosis. Five cases were from NCR, and one case each were reported from Region 5 and Region 7. The age of diagnosis ranged from 16 to 32 years old.

Thirdly, 52 Filipinos who worked overseas within the past five years, whether on land or at sea, were reported with HIV in February 2022. They comprised 5% of the total diagnosed cases for this period. Among the newly diagnosed OFWs, 94% (49) were male. Ninety-eight percent (51) were infected through sexual contact (seven male-female sex, 25 male-male sex, 19 sex with both males and females). Two percent (1) of the reported case have no data on mode of transmission. The age of diagnosis ranged from 24 to 70 years old (median age: 34 years old).

And lastly, 7% (78) of the newly reported cases engaged in transactional sex within the past 12 months. Ninety-six percent (75) were male and the age of diagnosis ranged from 17 to 54 years old (median age: 28 years old). Fifty-one percent (40) of the male cases reported paying for sex, 35% (27) reported accepting payment for sex, and 10% (8) engaged in both.


Sadly, 28% (297) of the new HIV-positive individuals already had advanced HIV infection at the time of testing, implying delayed detection, and which could affect antiretroviral treatment (ART) efficacy. But at least in February, 861 people with HIV who were initiated on ART (though not all of them were diagnosed only during this period), bringing the total number of Filipinos living with HIV presently on ART to 57,401.

All the same, for the same period, there were 78 reported deaths due to any cause among people diagnosed with HIV. Ninety-two percent (72) of them were males; and three (4%) were 15-24 years old, 42 (54%) were 25-34 years old, and 33 (42%) were 35-49 years old. The top three regions with the most number of reported deaths were Central Visayas (Region 7) with 26 (33%) cases, National Capital Region (NCR) with 23 (30%) cases, and Central Luzon (3) with 10 (13%) cases each. The rest of the country reported 19 (24%) cases.

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The numbers on deaths may – nonetheless – not reflect the actual figures due to under- or non-reporting.


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