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3 Ways to always feel that you are moving upwards in life

Here are a few things you can do to increase the chances that you always feel that you’re moving positively upwards in life.


One of the best feelings in life is the sensation that you are constantly moving upwards. That you’re going from strength to strength and, that when you look back, you’ll see that you’ve travelled a long way in the right direction.

Of course, if you just leave life to sort itself out, the odds are high that you won’t end up feeling as though you’re consistently moving upwards. Rather, you will likely end up repeating the same patterns over and over, feeling stuck, and – in many ways – remaining where you are.


Here are a few things you can do to increase the chances that you always feel that you’re moving positively upwards in life.

1. Always seek work that is fulfilling, and continually develop your professional skills

It might be that you are in a career that you love, and just don’t feel that your job is the perfect match for you. Or, maybe you’re not even a big fan of your general career.

We all spend a huge amount of our total time at work, so actively seeking out work that is fulfilling to you is one of the best ways of enhancing your well-being, as a whole.

Of course, the sense of moving upwards doesn’t just come from finding a new job, whether via a Practice Match service, or any other mechanism. In fact, even if you don’t find your dream job in the near future, the simple fact that you are always on the lookout can have a dramatically positive effect on your psychology.

By the same token, you should always work to develop your professional skills whenever you have the opportunity – both to make you more valuable as a potential employee, and also so that you keep moving upwards.

2. Pick up, and stick to, a good fitness routine

Physical exercise has all sorts of benefits, ranging from improved health outcomes and lifespan, to an enhanced ability to navigate the physical challenges of everyday life more easily, capably, and comfortably – whether that means carrying the groceries, or running for a bus.

Of course, regular physical exercise can also help to boost your confidence and your sense of well-being, both by releasing feel-good hormones, and also by helping you to move closer towards your ideal physique.

Perhaps one of the best things about a good fitness routine, though, is that it allows you to make measurable, incremental progress on a goal over time.

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3. Practice healthy introspection, and assess the direction you’re heading in, regularly

If you don’t know where you want to go, you will be largely incapable of paying attention to the signs along the way that let you judge whether you are on the correct path or not.

Not only is it important to have goals and a clear sense of where you want to be, but it’s also important to regularly practice healthy introspection, and to assess the direction you’re heading in.
One great and time-honoured way of doing this is by journaling. When all is said and done, writing in a journal is basically the art of having a conversation with yourself.

Written By

Your "not that regular" all-around gal, writing about anything, thus everything. "There's always more to discover... thus write about," she says in between - GASP! - puffs. And so that's what she does, exactly. Write, of course; not (just) puff.


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