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4 Lessons for long distance career pursuits

While the opportunities are often broad and diverse, it’s important to address the pursuit of a position a great distance away correctly. This will make the process of applying and indeed accepting the job easier.


You might be interested in pursuing a career or position that is not in your home country. This has become quite common as of late with more and more people heading abroad in pursuit of better jobs and potentially better pay.

While the opportunities are often broad and diverse, it’s important to address the pursuit of a position a great distance away correctly. This will make the process of applying and indeed accepting the job easier.

1. Ask For The Online Or Over The Phone Interview

This won’t be possible in all situations and for every position. Some people will want to see you in person probably to read your body language and to make sure that you don’t have a helpful sheet of answers just underneath the camera view. However, it’s always better to ask just in case a business employer will allow this type of interview. It might save you traveling a great distance to apply for a job that you might not even get.

Remember, technology has improved now to the point where you can have crystal clear video calling with people who you are talking to. There’s really no need for the office interview anymore.

2. Get Your Travel Paid

If you get a call back for an interview that is far away, then that employer is obviously very interested in what you have to offer. This means that you have a lot of power and you can use that to your advantage. How do you do this? Well, let’s start by thinking about the cost. Needless to say, the cost of traveling around the country for an interview can be quite large. You might even be taking intercontinental travel, and you should definitely check whether an employer will pay for some or potentially all of the cost. Failing to do so will leave you out of pocket for no reason other than a failure to enquire.

3. Book So You Can Stay Overnight At A Hotel

Do make sure that you arrange the interview so you can stay overnight at a hotel the day before. This will save you from the mad rush to the interview for that same day which is important for two reasons. First, it ensures that you don’t look exhausted after spending the night on a plane with babies crying. You need to look your best, and there’s only so much you can achieve in a public transport bathroom. Second, it keeps you safe. According to Alpert Schreyer LLC, truck accidents can often be due to a driver being stress or experiencing fatigue on the road. You don’t want to end up under an eight wheeler because you were panicking about an interview with just hours to go.

4. Make Sure Traveling Over Is Not A Problem

Finally, don’t make the mistake of making it seem like travelling over is going to be a massive problem for you. You need to show enthusiasm even if the situation is less than ideal. Remember, while an employer was probably dazzled by your resume, they will be looking for reasons not to go through the task of getting you a work visa and jumping through all the legal hoops.

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Your "not that regular" all-around gal, writing about anything, thus everything. "There's always more to discover... thus write about," she says in between - GASP! - puffs. And so that's what she does, exactly. Write, of course; not (just) puff.


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