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Four reasons not to vote for Donald Trump

Charlie Best: “A few years back Donald Trump said he was a forward thinking person, but that marriage should be between a man and a woman. Now, fair play to Donald, because it takes some serious guts to stand by a statement so stupid. The man has had three divorces but keeps banging on about tradition, what an utter hypocrite.”

By Charlie Best

This November sees the start of a new presidential era in the US. And, we could well see Donald Trump in the White House. Personally, I think I’d rather see Scooby Doo lead our country than that man, and here’s why.


Donald Trump has repeatedly put himself out there and said he’s for ‘traditional’ marriages. A few years back he said he was a forward thinking person, but that marriage should be between a man and a woman. Now, fair play to Donald, because it takes some serious guts to stand by a statement so stupid. The man has had three divorces but keeps banging on about tradition, what an utter hypocrite. More to the point, if someone can’t see why two people of the same sex should be allowed to wed, then they’re an idiot. How can you let a man that thinks along such narrow lines become president?


One of the many bad things about Mr. Trump is that he’s a little bit racist. He says he isn’t, but we all know he is. I mean, the man has gone on record to say we should ban Muslims from entering the US. He’s by far and away the most racist of all the presidential election candidates. Donald has called Mexicans rapists and criminals without batting an eyelid. Oh, and he’s also been retweeting white supremacists that show support for him on Twitter. I’m no expert, but if your main fans are white supremacists, then I’m willing to bet you’re a massive racist.

Donald Trump
(Photo Credit:


If I’m voting for the next president, there are a few features I look out for. I want someone that can keep a cool head and lead us when the going gets tough. What I don’t want is someone that has a tantrum and loses their cool every time things go wrong. Donald Trump is notorious for being letting things get to him with ease. If you comment on his hand size, Trump will spend years telling you they’re a normal size. He’s the kind of president that will go to war with a country just because their leader says his hair looks funny. There’s no way we can trust a man who’s so erratic and hot headed.


Donald Trump is an expert in talking a lot, without really telling us anything at all. Each of his debates is full of him slagging off the opposition and stating his outlandish views. However, he never offers anything in the form of a concrete policy. It’s just crazy stuff like how we need to stop ISIS and clamp down on immigration. There’s nothing he’s said that’s made me think yes, America would be better with him in charge.

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It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that I’m not a Trump supporter. To be honest, I can’t understand why anyone would be a fan. The man is bigoted and covers up awful political knowledge with overconfidence and crazy statements. I’m not going to vote for him, and I don’t think you should too.

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