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Traveling with an e-reader or tablet?

Which is better for traveling, a tablet or an e-reader? We go through the pros and cons of each device and which you should consider taking on vacation.

Photo by Brooke Lark from

Should you travel with a tablet or e-reader?

In the days before e-readers, travel reading was limited to whatever book you could carry or whatever you could find at the airport bookstore. Today, you can download dozens of books to your e-reader or tablet and take them with you without sacrificing space or weight. But, if you are planning an extended holiday, or even a camping trip, which option is better?

How Much Reading Are You Going To Do?

The thing with e-readers is that they are designed for reading and not much else. Yes, some of the higher range models offer basic web browsing and audio book functions, but that’s where it stops. If you plan on using your device for more than just reading, tablets are the way to go. However, if you just want something to read on, then e-readers are more practical.


On the whole, e-readers are lighter and smaller than tablets. They are also easier to hold and have a much longer battery life. One charge on an e-book can last you anywhere from two weeks to a month. A tablet will last for two to four days on a charge.

If you just want something to read on, then e-readers are more practical.


Eye comfort is a new buzz phrase that is being thrown around in the mobile tech industry. Researches have realised that the electronic glare of a tablet or smartphone screen can alter your circadian rhythms and make it more difficult for you to fall asleep at night. This is why most monitors and tablets now days come with an eye comfort feature. This is not an issue with e-readers as they use e-ink which and alternate light sources. If you are planning on getting in an hour or two of reading before you sleep, you may want to consider using an e-reader.


When it comes to functionality, tablets cannot be beaten. You can think of a tablet as an oversized smartphone with the same basic functions. Many of the top brands also feature high-end cameras and external add-on features. A tablet can be used for anything from surfing the Internet, to watching movies, playing the online Blackjack Canada has to offer, listening to music, booking your next hotel or playing games while you are stuck in the airport on a long layover. They can even be used as a GPS, for augmented reality walking tours or as a translator device. The e-reader function on your tablet is just one of the many apps available on your device.


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While the technology is certainly improving, most tablets are difficult to use in bright sunlight. Changing the screen mode can help, but you will suffer some eyestrain. This is where e-readers have a huge advantage. They work well in both high and low light conditions and are perfect for the beach as well as the couch.

If you plan on using your device for more than just reading, tablets are the way to go.


If you read a lot and if you plan on reading at the pool, on the plane and in bed before you go to sleep, you should consider traveling with an e-reader. It is lighter, easier and more comfortable to read with and it will last weeks on a single charge.

If you plan on doing some light reading in the airport or at the hotel, then a tablet will do. They are especially handy if you want a large-screen device to watch movies on, play music or look up information on your destination. The only downside is that you will have charge it every few days. We suggest that if you have the space, take both your e-reader and a tablet.

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Your "not that regular" all-around gal, writing about anything, thus everything. "There's always more to discover... thus write about," she says in between - GASP! - puffs. And so that's what she does, exactly. Write, of course; not (just) puff.


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