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A guide to boosting your dating game

This guide to boosting your dating game should help you out. It’s time to turn things around.

When you’ve had a bad time on recent dates, it can be hard to get things back on track. It becomes so frustrating that you start to consider giving up the entire thing. You might start to lose confidence in your own abilities, but the truth is that you’re probably just approaching dating in the wrong way. Maybe you keep bringing up certain topics that are too heavy for the first date, or maybe you keep picking the wrong type of person for you in the first place.

Whatever the case, this guide to boosting your dating game should help you out. It’s time to turn things around.

Ask plenty of questions. That’s the best way to keep the conversation flowing.

Work on your conversational skills.

For starters, your dating game will take a turn for the better if you work on your conversational skills. You need to avoid each extreme end of the spectrum. It’s bad to talk so much that your date struggles to find an opportunity to speak. But it’s also bad to talk so little that your date has no idea who you are. You need to work on finding the perfect balance in the middle.

Learn to participate in the conversation enough to reveal your personality to your date, but make sure that you listen to them too. Ask plenty of questions. That’s the best way to keep the conversation flowing. It’s a simple piece of advice, but it’s one that doesn’t fail (unless your date is also nervous and struggling to speak).

Be bolder in public.

The best way to boost your dating game is to date as much as your schedule allows. By this, we mean that you need to be more confident. And we’re not just talking about confidence on dates – we’re talking about being confident enough to arrange more dates. If you barely ever date then the problem might be that you’re not putting yourself out there. You might not be as unattractive to potential dates as you think; it’s just that people can sense shyness. If you seem reserved and hesitant then people might not be willing to give you a chance when you ask them out (and they might not want to pursue you either).

You need to confidently seize opportunities in public. If you end up talking to somebody who’s cute then you should ask for their number (or even a link to their social media profile) before they leave. Be bolder in public, and you might be surprised by the results. It can’t hurt to schedule multiple dates. Even if you’re still working on your conversational skills or overall confidence, you can see each date as practice. If things lead to a second date then that’s great. If not then you’ll have learned something for the next person you date.

Get help from dating agencies and companies.

Whilst you should always try to approach people in public if you think there’s a chance that you could end up on a date with someone, it’s not always that easy. It can be disheartening when you think you’re making progress with someone, but you find out that they’re already in a relationship or they’re not looking to date at the moment. That’s why dating companies can be so helpful. They succeed where many dating apps fail. There are plenty of people on Tinder and Grindr who are just looking for an ego boost and don’t actually want to date. But many dating companies will help to set you up with singles who actually want to date you. They’ll also pair you up based on similar interests, preferences, and personality types.

If you’re a guy who’s looking for other guys then you might even want to get help from a company that can set you up with people in your local area. You should check out the GuySpy Voice gay chat line. It can really help to talk on the phone with people who share your interests or personality type. You don’t have to ask out a stranger on a date and hope that you hit it off. Dating companies will help you out by setting you up with people based on your specifications. Better yet, you’ll be talking to singles who want the same thing as you. That’s something which isn’t always guaranteed by dating apps, as good as they can be.

If you’ve not been having much luck on Tinder, Grindr, or whichever app you’ve been using then you might want to try non-dating websites.

Try non-dating websites.

As discussed previously in one of our other articles, non-dating sites can be the best for finding a potential future partner. Statistically speaking, a high percentage of online users have found their boyfriend or girlfriend on standard social networks. Obviously, part of this is because the big social networks have a larger user-base than any dating website (Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, to name just a few). But it’s not just a result of the numbers game; many of those big social networks have plenty of features that come in handy when it comes to assessing a potential date. You can see whether you have mutual friends with someone, check their pictures to see what kind of lifestyle they lead (or the lifestyle they reveal, anyway), and pop up to them on chat to see if you have a connection.

Additionally, social networks such as Twitter have private messaging functions (we’ve all heard about people “sliding into the DMs”), so this can provide a slightly more personal way in which to talk to someone. If you’ve not been having much luck on Tinder, Grindr, or whichever app you’ve been using then you might want to try non-dating websites. It’s always better to make sure you can vouch for somebody’s legitimacy (through a mutual friend or a Skype call) before meeting up with them to avoid stranger danger. But make sure you meet up with a new person in a public place such as a shopping mall or a coffee shop. That’s always a good way to be sure that you’re meeting the person with whom you’ve been talking. It’s smart to pick a safe environment.

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Your "not that regular" all-around gal, writing about anything, thus everything. "There's always more to discover... thus write about," she says in between - GASP! - puffs. And so that's what she does, exactly. Write, of course; not (just) puff.


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