After noting that, in recent times, there has been much more awareness of sexual harassment in the work place with more people speaking out about their experiences, wanted to find out what workers who consented to sexual interaction did at their place of work.
“This is a topic that may divide or shock readers,” the online dating site stated. “Sexual harassment is serious and must be addressed but people at work are doing some very intimate activities.” made this as one of its largest surveys to date and asked an international audience of 20,238 people.
Questions asked:
Have you done any of the following at work (select all the apply) :
- Kissed
- Watched porn
- Masturbated
- Oral sex
- Received a hand job (asked to males)
- Been fingered (asked to females)
- Sex (intercourse)
- None of the above
There were two follow up questions:
- Where did it happen?
- Any comments on sex at work?
The survey was run over the entire dating network, from mainstream dating to casual dating.
The survey found that just 13% of people have not participated in any type of sexual activity at work. Also, all of the office building will have been used at some stage for some form of sexual activity. The longer someone has been at work the more chance/opportunity they have. The results also seem to show that the younger generation are more sexually active at work than the older.
28% of people have kissed a work colleague. At almost 1 in 3 it’s a very significant portion of the work force. The majority of people kiss outside of the office building, followed by a private office and then the store room.
Watched porn
21% of men have watched porn whilst at work but before you judge, the women are almost as naughty as 18% claim at some stage they have viewed pornography at work. The top location for sneaking a peek is a private office. Toilets come in second and outside is third. When your colleagues are outside for a cigarette and glued to their phone it may not be the news or weather they’re checking out!
Porn watching and masturbation figures are similar, suggesting they may go hand in hand. 20% of men said they had masturbated at work and 16% of women said they had too. As you would expect the toilets are the clean winner for the top location slot. Private office is second and then not much separates the other locations. Third is the store room, may be okay for females but we’re not sure what the men are doing when they reach completion. That has to leave some evidence behind?
Oral sex
15% of workers admit to giving or receiving oral sex at work. The toilets are the top location closely followed by a private office. But in third place is the stairs. This is not going to be the stairs from the main atrium, much more likely in a large building where people use the lift or stairs that are part of an emergency exit.
Hand job / Fingering
14% to 15% of the work force have been fingered or wanked off with the toilets again being the top venue. Private office is second and third place is outside.
Now for the big one. Sexual intercourse has been enjoyed by 17% of the workforce. The toilets now drop in popularity and the private office is the most popular location. The store room comes second and outside is third.
“Humans are interested in sex and relationships no matter where they are. At work it doesn’t seem possible to suppress these instincts. People spend a lot of their adult life at work so it seems only natural that relationships occur. As this is not a topic that work colleagues discuss we did find some surprising results. These include that both males and females have a similar interest in porn and masturbation at work. Additionally, that the trill of getting away with it means that some people are prepared to engage in sexual activity in some very public places within the work environment,” ended.