A registered nurse, John Ryan (or call him "Rye") Mendoza hails from Cagayan de Oro City in Mindanao (where, no, it isn't always as "bloody", as the mainstream media claims it to be, he noted). He first moved to Metro Manila in 2010 (supposedly just to finish a health social science degree), but fell in love not necessarily with the (err, smoggy) place, but it's hustle and bustle. He now divides his time in Mindanao (where he still serves under-represented Indigenous Peoples), and elsewhere (Metro Manila included) to help push for equal rights for LGBT Filipinos. And, yes, he parties, too (see, activists need not be boring! - Ed).
The fact is, gender imbalances worsen the impact of HIV and disproportionately subject women to unequal power relations, violence, discrimination and poverty.
Joining #EuroPride2018 in Stockholm, Outrage Magazine’s John Ryan N. Mendoza discovers the relevance of a truly inclusive Pride in the promotion of LGBTQIA human...
Religious taboo on sex, gender and sexuality remains prevalent in the Philippines, representing a major challenge in HIV prevention and sexual and reproductive health...
In celebration of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) Pride month, the Bahaghari-Metro Manila – a multisectoral militant and nationalist LGBT organization based...
As its contribution to #RiseUpTogether this June Pride Month 2018, Open Table Metropolitan Community Church (MCC) will hold “Proud Faith” at the Iglesia Filipina...
The Philippine Senate finally approved on third and final reading a bill seeking to reform the country's 20-year-old legal framework and approach towards the...
John Ryan Mendoza: "May the normal we know that continues to dehumanize and divide us as LGBT people, PLHIVs, women, peasants, workers and Indigenous...