Climate change-related extreme weather events, such as drought and flooding, were associated with poorer HIV prevention outcomes, including reduced HIV testing. Extreme weather events...
While workforces with a larger share of racial minority workers tend to include more EDI policy pledges and language signalling workplace EDI culture in...
Framing the gender gap in politics as due to men’s advantages (in this case, men’s overrepresentation) as opposed to women’s disadvantages (their underrepresentation) not...
Puberty blockers and gender-affirming hormones are rarely prescribed to transgender and gender diverse (TGD) adolescents. This belies the narrative used by ant-LGBTQIA politicians who...
Psychological aggression was the most common type of IPV within an LGB relationship (22.1%), followed by physical assault (10.8%) and IPV-related injury (4.1%). LGB-specific...
Lesbian, gay and bisexual people vape at significantly higher rates than their straight peers, with nearly 40% of gays and lesbians having tried e-cigarettes...
The more internalized queerphobia, perceived stigma, and prejudice events that lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) individuals encounter means they are also more...