Barangay Bagbag in Quezon City passed on June 1 an anti-discrimination ordinance (ADO) that prohibits discrimination in the barangay level on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI).
This ADO is among the anti-discrimination ordinances that solely focus on lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people. Other ordinances are not LGBT-centric; instead, they lump LGBT people with other minority groups, including – and among others – indigenous peoples, persons with disability/ies, religious minorities, and those with health conditions, such as HIV.
Barangay Ordinance 004, S-2009 states that “ the existence of lesbians, gays, bisexuals, and transgenders has become an accepted fact in all facets of the society in all aspects of human endeavor, not in locally but in a global proportion… Whereas, there are various movements and non governmental organizations advocating support for the acceptance of such people and their efforts to be useful and beneficial of the society.”
The ADO specifically prohibits the denial of employment to any LGBT in any establishment within its area of responsibility; denial of entry of an LGBT person in any establishment for no plausible reason or legal grounds; denial of membership to any organization by reason of being an LGBT; harassment, vexation, or any damage, injury or detriment to a person or group of persons by reason of being an LGBT; impairment of the rights, privileges and/or benefits of a person or group of persons for being an LGBT; and any/all other acts and needs that maybe done to a person or group of persons just for the reason of being an LGBT.
The Sangguniang Barangay of Bagbag, through the Gender and Development Office, will impose penalties and sanctions to transgressors of this ordinance “as may be deemed proper and equitable, predicated on the gravity of the violation committed”.