When you think about college, you often consider what major you’re going to pursue. However, there might be another subject you want to have some experience in. This is what’s known as a college minor. You can minor in just about anything in college, but you may not know what to focus on.
In this article, we’ll be going over a few of the best minors to focus on alongside your major, to really set yourself up for success after you graduate.
Creative Writing
One of the most common and lucrative minors you can focus on is creative writing. Writing is a main focal point in many careers ranging from freelance writing to law. If anything, it’s also one of the most flexible minors as it can be paired with pretty much any major. You might be wondering if minoring in something will cost more money. That’s a little tricky to answer definitively. It honestly depends on how far you’re willing to go with it. Most courses involved with a college minor are typically treated as electives. But if you’re willing to take it a step further and go with a double major, then you’re going to be paying more money.
The best way to finance an education experience is to take out a student loan. However, bear in mind that you can’t take out as much as you want. Whether you’re a graduate or undergraduate, you’re limited to how much you can receive. Undergraduate students can only have up to approximately $58,000. Graduate college students can have a little more $130,000. Make sure to contact your lender to check how much you’re eligible for.
Math may not be everyone’s favorite subject, but it’s one of the most beneficial minors you can have. Mathematics is more than just adding and subtracting big numbers. It’s about honing your ability to think critically, solve problems and strategize. It also helps teach you analytical skills, which is a very important skill to have in careers such as engineering.
Foreign Languages
Foreign language is a minor that introduces you to new languages and diverse cultures. You might be wondering why you would need this aside from personal enrichment. Well, if you’re looking to acquire a job overseas, you’re going to need to know the language. You’d be amazed at how many employers are looking for a native English-speaker who can fluently speak another language.
Additionally, with the rise of language study online, mastering a foreign language has become even more accessible and convenient. Online platforms offer interactive courses, virtual language exchanges, and immersive experiences that can greatly enhance your language skills from the comfort of your own home.
With how common digital marketing has become, minoring in business has seen a massive boost in popularity. A minor in this field will give you the basics of what business is and how it works. It introduces you to things such as data analytics, market strategies and how to do in-depth research. A business minor is the catalyst to all potential entrepreneurs.
Computer Science
Another field that’s seen a lot of attention is computer science. Careers in this field range from web design to software development. In this minor, you’ll have the opportunity to learn topics such as HTML coding and how SEO works.