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Cheap things to do on holiday besides SUP

Here are some ideas on how you can save on big-ticket items while having cheap and exciting things to do.

Enjoying a holiday vacation can at times be costly. But did you know that a good trip doesn’t always have to break your bank account? Yes, there may be well-known restaurants that you want to try, or maybe you have tried spending a once in a blue moon ticket for a Broadway concert front seat. You can actually balance these costs with affordable memories and experiences, too.

Here are some ideas on how you can save on big-ticket items while having cheap and exciting things to do.

Cheap Idea 1: Become a local tourist

Have you visited all the local tourist sites in your city? It’s a fact that this is every citizen’s last priority. We always think of tomorrow. We can do it any time in the future, but we miss doing so because we are caught up in our day-to-day activities. If you are really short on time and money, this is the best time to wander around your city. Discover what you have not seen yet, no matter how big your town is. This is the best thing to do, be a traveler in your own city. 

When you do this, try moving out of your house to avoid any temptation. Remember, your goal is to escape the daily routine and enjoy the holiday. This will make you excited and look forward to new adventures. You may check out with your local tourism office if residents are granted discounted fees for tourism or even reduced environmental fees. 

Cheap Idea 2: Travel in your Region

If you think that your City has nothing much to offer and fewer destinations to explore, you can go out and explore your region. We often think that since we are born and raised here, we know so much of our cultures and traditions, but in reality, we still don’t understand some of them. It is only when we travel that we discover other cultures that make other cities unique from our own city. It makes us appreciate other people and the diversity between cities. If you are on a limited budget, can’t afford a flight or a trip to another land, explore your region. This is discovering more about the place you call home.

Cheap Idea 3: Visit National Parks

Camping fees in national parks are budget-friendly. In some places like Europe and Japan, you can camp for free on public lands. You will not have to worry about spending money on accommodation. All you need is pack your own supplies. If you are not a camp-in-a-tent type of person, national parks offer cheap log cabins for your stay. Spending some time with nature is not just good for your budget, but better yet, it is good for your mind and soul.

Cheap idea 4: Travel outside the box

Instead of going to popular countries, you might want to consider cheaper destinations around the world. This is like reversing the trend. If most people go during the summer, try to go in winter. According to experts from Choice Holidays, you can still discover and enjoy a lot of adventures and activities at cheaper rates. There may be fewer crowds and prices are cheaper if it’s on a non-peak season for tourists. Can you imagine enjoying the activities with a much lesser crowd? Your money will be worth it as you are not rushed to try them out because others are on the line waiting for their turn.

Cheap Idea 5: Get a last-minute tour booking

Sometimes tours are cheaper if they are booked last minute. Travel and tour companies do this to completely fill the travel seats. How can this be? Tours are sold cheaper for last-minute bookings because companies understand booking patterns.

If you plan ahead and book early, prices are higher, but as departure day comes near, people tend not to avail so companies try to promote the tour by making the price cheaper to get more bookings. So plan your work time-off and wait for a day or two before you book for a tour and enjoy a cheaper rate.

Cheap Idea 6: Google “free events near me”

Yes! This can be a cheaper way to spend your holiday. Join events around you that you think might be interesting. Name it, there will certainly be free events happening during your stay. If google is not your most reliable source, restaurants, tourist places, and local stores often post in their shop events happening around the area. Or better yet, your hotel can also give this information besides giving you the cheapest place to eat or how to get discounted or free passes to events.

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This may be hard as it may seem, some Holiday travels will really cost you a lot. Even budget travelers have to splurge sometimes, just don’t be so strict, you can make a financial plan for your holiday and stick to it. Budget smart and enjoy the holiday.

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Your "not that regular" all-around gal, writing about anything, thus everything. "There's always more to discover... thus write about," she says in between - GASP! - puffs. And so that's what she does, exactly. Write, of course; not (just) puff.


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