To provide Deaf LBT Filipinos an avenue to discuss sex- and sexuality-related concerns, Deaf Talks 2 has been scheduled on July 19 at Unit 302 Eagle Court Condominium, Matalino St., Diliman, Quezon City.
Deaf Talks is an ongoing lecture series for Deaf LGBT Filipinos, eyeing to: 1) include Deaf LGBT people in mainstream LGBT discussions in the Philippines; and 2) provide needed information to Deaf LGBT Filipinos on issues concerning them, hoping that the information can empower them. Deaf Talks is an effort of Outrage Magazine and Rainbow Rights Project Inc. (R-Rights); with the first Deaf Talks held as part of the 1st OutGames in the Philippines in 2012.
“In the Philippines, it can be claimed that Deaf members of the LGBT community are now being included in existing programs that still largely target the Hearing community. However – and this is worth highlighting – many of the efforts that supposedly include them are tokenistic,” said Michael David C. Tan, editor of Outrage Magazine.
Tan lamented, for instance, how “even if there are already HIV-related efforts that are said to benefit Deaf LGBT Filipinos, Deaf men who have sex with men (MSM) and transgender people are actually still unable to get tested for HIV because these existing efforts forget the basic need of providing Filipino Sign Language (FSL) interpreter/s for those who may want to get tested. And then there are those who test HIV-positive, who are also unable to get the best treatment, care and support (TCS) – also because of their inability to communicate their concerns with service providers.”
Deaf Talks eyes to directly deal with Deaf LGBT people to directly respond at least to some of their needs.
Since the second iteration of Deaf Talks will center on the sex- and sexuality-related concerns of Deaf LBT people, partnership was formed with Deaf Dykes United (DDU), the pioneering organization for Deaf lesbian and bisexual women in the Philippines.
The July 19th discussions will be helmed by R-Rights.
FSL interpreter Ms Joi Villareal will provide interpretation for Deaf Talks 2.
Deaf Talks 2 is also supported by #HateWatchPH, and pinkink.
To join Deaf Talks 2, contact MJ Cenidoza at (+63) 9358887349.