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Does kratom relieve anxiety and depression?

How effective is kratom in relieving anxiety and depression? Let’s find out.

Anxiety and depression are common mental health conditions that can degrade the quality of your lifestyle. If not treated on time, they can destroy relationships, interfere with your work or even cause addiction. However, the conditions can be managed using therapy and medications. 

But for natural treatment alternatives, kratom is one of the best ways to fight these conditions. 

Kratom is an herb used in the Eastern culture to cure ailments such as depression, anxiety, and pain. Today, kratom is gaining popularity across the globe due to its healing properties. It is now available in various strains such as the red vein Vietnam kratom, enabling users to treat different health issues. 

How effective is kratom in relieving anxiety and depression? Let’s find out.

Does Kratom Work for Depression and Anxiety 

It’s important to note that kratom is not FDA-approved. Therefore, it’s hard to say whether it’s effective or not in treating depression and anxiety. It contains an ingredient known as Mitragynine, which is believed to be behind the anti-anxiety and antidepressant effects.

Mitragynine attaches itself to the opioid receptors in the human brain, thereby reducing pain and lowering stress levels. According to a study review, kratom improves mood and eases anxiety. The review refers to a study using mice that shows that kratom reduces corticosterone hormone, which is equivalent to the stress hormone cortisol in humans. 

How to Use Kratom, and is It Safe?

You can ingest kratom in many ways, including chewing gum, drinking tea, tinctures, pressed pills, and capsules or extracts such as oil.

Many users consume the supplement by swallowing capsules filled with powder made from its leaves. Some people purchase the product in powder form and mix it with their food. It’s possible to eat fresh kratom leaves, or you can boil and consume the herb as tea.

It’s rare to hear cases of individuals smoking or vaporizing kratom. While you can choose how best to consume the herb, the method you use might determine the effect you get afterward. 

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And, since there is no standard kratom dose, it’s advisable to start low and increase it gradually. Kratom’s effects are unique to everyone and can vary depending on your weight, the product’s potency, and your body tolerance. So, you might not get the same results as your friend. However, getting the right strain and strength for your conditions will improve the results. 

What Are The Effects of Kratom?

Kratom can have many effects, and the results also depend on the amount you consume, the quality of the product, your gender, and weight.

Those who have used the product say that its effects can occur between 5 and 20 minutes and can last two hours if you only take a small dose. But the effects can last more than four hours if you take a higher amount.

Consuming kratom can enhance mood, increase focus, cause euphoria, and reduce anxiety. Also, to your body, it can lead to decreased pain, increased energy, and muscle relaxation. 

You might experience mild side effects, but you can minimize the undesired effects by sticking to low doses and taking breaks between intakes. 

Are There Dosage Guidelines?

Kratom dosage guidelines for depression and anxiety are not clear, which is why you should let your doctor know when you’re about to use the supplement. Currently, the dose recommended is based on age, sex, and health status. Other things such as methods of ingestion and strain can also determine the effects of kratom.

The effects also depend on the kratom form, for instance, kratom extracts are more potent than their powder counterparts. A study conducted in 2018 found that individuals who consumed 5 g of powder taken up to at least three times each day to experience the desired effects. 

Due to the unique individual effects, you’ll need to try different kratom doses to establish which one suits you. 

Are There Negative Side Effects

Kratom can cause mild side effects like nausea, constipation, and vomiting among regular users. Although the side effects are not severe, be sure to follow the guideline recommended by your doctor, and watch its effects on your body.

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If you or someone close to you plans to use the supplement in the future, it’s best to seek advice from a mental health expert. They’ll come up with the best dose and help you pick the best strain of the herb to use for depression and anxiety. You should also conduct extensive research before adding kratom to your routine.

As you seek help from kratom to relieve depression and anxiety, make sure you buy quality products from reputable sellers. This will ensure you get safe and effective products. But remember to start with a small dose as you monitor the effects. Also, do not drive or operate machinery right after using kratom as it can easily interact with other substances like alcohol and medication. 

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Your "not that regular" all-around gal, writing about anything, thus everything. "There's always more to discover... thus write about," she says in between - GASP! - puffs. And so that's what she does, exactly. Write, of course; not (just) puff.


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