Imagine waking up each morning with a feeling of loneliness and fragility; you have lost all sense of independence and you often struggle to carry out the daily tasks you are meant to do. Things such as getting dressed, making a cup of tea and cooking breakfast can seem like the most tiring tasks. This is the life that many of the elderly people in our society are facing today. Some are left to fend for themselves after hospital admissions or don’t have the support they need when they live alone.
Here’s how you can make sure that your elderly parents or grandparents are receiving the care that they need.
A Helping Hand
Many elderly patients are not receiving the relevant after care once they are released from hospital. Perhaps they are recovering from an infection or they have suffered from some sort of health scare. We need to make sure that they are taking their medication and getting adequate rest. Just because a patient is discharged from the hospital, it doesn’t mean they are now the picture of perfect health. You can make a difference in reducing hospital readmissions, by investing in some extra help. There are specialist companies who can organize for nurses and carers to visit them at home each day and make sure that they are on the right track to making a full recovery.
Cute Companionship
Loneliness amongst the elderly is an increasing problem, especially if their partner has recently passed away. If your loved one is well enough to care for themselves, then you might want to consider getting them a furry friend such as a cat or a dog. They can provide love, support and companionship so they don’t feel isolated when they are at home all day on their own.
Coffee and Conversations
Make sure you are making the effort to go and visit your loved ones whenever you get the chance. Even if you are having the busiest of days, just a ten minute cup of coffee and a chat with them at home would make their day feel brighter. Everyone has a hectic schedule nowadays, but it is important to remember that our older family members need that extra bit of support when they live alone.
Happy Hobbies
There are all sorts of activities which are perfectly suited for the older generations. Jigsaw puzzles, flower arranging, baking and coloring are all ideal hobbies for older adults. Encourage them to join a local group or club where they can interact with people who have the same interests as them. Even if they can get out of the house once a week to enjoy their activity, it will be a huge progression for them to have regular social interaction to look forward to.
Caring for our elderly loved ones can seem time consuming, but it is important to remember that they are reliant on us to keep them active and happy. Without your care and support they will feel incredibly lonely, so make sure you have everything in place to make them comfortable and safe.