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How businesses can build a bridge for their customers

Another way cutting-edge businesses can lure customers toward them is innovating in terms of trust. Who on earth would give any business the time of day if they had a wrenching gut feeling that they could not deliver a great service to them?


Innovation creates its own dilemma in the world of modern business and trade. On the one hand, you have a need just to be different from the rest of the competition. When you offer something similar but albeit different, customers want to see some kind of variation else they don’t have an incentive to branch out. Yet mirroring this need is that real requirement to make something better, improve in ways that make the new product distinct. That’s the area that many businesses both independent and corporate constantly think about. It’s almost like a never-ending train that you have to find the right time and place to get on.

However, another way cutting-edge businesses can lure customers toward them is innovating in terms of trust. Who on earth would give any business the time of day if they had a wrenching gut feeling that they could not deliver a great service to them?

Variation of transport

What you find when you shop online is a very limited list of delivery options per business. It’s understandable as businesses like to do deals with delivery companies and foster a working relationship that benefits each party. However, the customer loses out when they don’t get a choice of different delivery services. Put yourself in their shoes and try and contemplate their anxieties. They may have had a history of bad service from one courier service, and thus all trust is dashed. The prices may not be suitable, and thus the actual purchase is in jeopardy because of the lack of alternatives.

Another crucial part is the method the delivery service use, such as automated text warning or reminder, needing the signature of the person who purchased an item rather than someone who lives with that person, failsafe actions in case no one is there to receive the package, etc. therefore it’s best to have at least two options for this kind of service.

Online accounts

Every single business in the world should commit to an online presence immediately. In fact, it’s something that has to be done if you’re going to be taken seriously by consumers. Bear in mind hearsay goes a long way and curious consumers may want to check you out online before they make a decision to buy something from you. Going together hand in hand with a website is customer login protocols. If a consumer has an account with your business, there must be methods and technologies in place to make them feel safe. Take for example facial verification security that can provide a safe and secure customer experience. This technology allows customers to use their smartphone to unlock their account while on the move. They simply stare at the camera lens, and biometric facial recognition software scans their face to confirm true identity. Only after validity is had will their account become unlocked or logged into.

The rapid advance in technology is both a blessing and a burden to business. Now there are more ways to connect with consumers and foster trust. But there are more ways of cheating and busting into someone’s private information. Providing options and newer technology services to customers gives them a solid bridge to walk over when using your products and or services.

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Your "not that regular" all-around gal, writing about anything, thus everything. "There's always more to discover... thus write about," she says in between - GASP! - puffs. And so that's what she does, exactly. Write, of course; not (just) puff.


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