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How your college lifestyle can impact your future career

The truth is that whatever you do during your college years can have a huge impact on your future professional life, and you might be damaging your career prospects by taking part in some of the activities. Below you will find a few choices you should have another look at, if you want to succeed in any career.


If you are a college student, you might be thinking that this is the time to live, and you will get more responsible once you settle and get a job. Until then, you might be planning to live your life to the fullest. The truth is that whatever you do during your college years can have a huge impact on your future professional life, and you might be damaging your career prospects by taking part in some of the activities.

Below you will find a few choices you should have another look at, if you want to succeed in any career.

Partying Too Much

If you are up all night, you are tired during the day, and cannot focus on your lectures and your studies. You are doing more harm than good. If you would like to succeed in your professional career, it is important that you limit your parties, and put studying first. While you need to find time to relax, and your body can recover faster when you are young, you still need to make the most out of your opportunities during college. Volunteer, take part in extra projects, and you can build an impressive CV for your future employers.

Aiming for a Pass

If your life goal is survival, and you settle with a pass, you will never be an exceptional employee or manager. Remember that whatever you are studying, there is a lot of competition out there, so you will have to step up your game, so you can impress your future employers with your achievements. Don’t settle for the minimum, be ambitious, and aim higher than the rest of your class, so you can stand out from the crowd, and secure a good job once you finish your studies. Your grades will matter, and your attitude determines your employability.


You might be in love and forget about the big picture temporarily. It is important that you don’t let your love life negatively impact your future. You can be in a relationship, but if chasing girls or boys is more than a hobby, and is a part of your lifestyle, you might be wasting energy on things that will not matter in a few years from now. Put your head down and study, and then you can relax with your loved ones. While being in love can impact your concentration, try to stay focused on work and make time for meeting your other half when you finished with your studies.

Bad Companions

If you choose the wrong gang, you might be associated with people who are involved in alcohol or drug abuse, maybe illegal activities. You need to protect yourself, and your reputation. Word soon gets around among the teaching staff about who your friends are, and you will be judged. At the same time, if you get caught up in a raid at one of your friends’ home, while partying, you can face legal charges, and this will have a huge impact on your future career choices. Make sure you choose your friends as carefully as you courses.

Reckless Driving

Young people are more likely to get involved in a car accident than older, more experienced drivers. Be careful and never drive under the influence of any drugs or alcohol. Before you jump in the car with a friend, make sure they haven’t had a drink and haven’t taken anything. If you get involved in an accident, despite the precautions, and you get injured, this can have a huge impact on your career prospects. When you suffer from an accident that was not your fault, you will need to get in touch with a law firm for personal injury and get a compensation. If you are at fault, however, you will face a fine and possible criminal prosecution.

Social Media Activities

If you are training to be a professional, you cannot have a social media account that is full of foul language or hate. You must keep your profiles clean and remove anything that can compromise your future. Don’t engage in bullying or anything that can be considered illegal. Go through your social media accounts and remove people who are associated with illegal or immoral activities. Your future employers might be looking through your social media posts to determine whether or not you are the suitable candidate.

Political Associations

Even if you strongly feel for a party or a cause, it is important that you keep your distance and don’t openly express your opinions. You might be judged by employees as being obsessed, and not get the job. While you might join a party, you should appear tolerant towards others, and open for discussions. No employer wants a highly opinionated fresh graduate, as they believe that they are harder to manage.


While sometimes you might feel like you have to take a stand, it is also important that you exercise self-control. If you are seen as a troublemaker, or are arrested during a protest, your job of finding a suitable position will become much harder. Find legal and legitimate ways of expressing your opinion, and keep your distance from violent groups to protect your career prospects and secure your future career.

Accumulating Debt

College students often spend beyond their means. You might already have a student loan, but if you take out additional credit, such as credit cards or a car loan, you can end up in a financial trouble before you start earning. College debt can impact your life for decades, and prevent you from settling down, saving up the deposit for your first house, and getting a car you will need to go to work when you finish. Keep an eye on your finances, and only spend what you can pay back.

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College students often forget to think about their future career when making personal choices. Avoid debt and bad associations, and focus on your studies, instead of partying all night. Keep a low profile on social media, and aim high to stay competitive in the crowded job market.

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Your "not that regular" all-around gal, writing about anything, thus everything. "There's always more to discover... thus write about," she says in between - GASP! - puffs. And so that's what she does, exactly. Write, of course; not (just) puff.


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