Age: 24
What she does: Database admin/Crystals entrepreneur
Hobbies/ Interests: travel, sports, philosophy
Goal in Life: To take a cruise to an island resort with my partner; to speak at a tech or leadership conference
People should understand that not all gay men are drag queens and not all lesbians wear men’s clothes. You will not always be able to spot gays and lesbians by the way they dress or talk…
We need equal rights and zero tolerance to discrimination or homophobic violence. The schools and government should work together to deepen the acceptance and improve the public education about LGBT.
We still don’t have civil union. We need civil union for us to be able to get the legal benefits just like the straight couples. Rights should not be based on sexual orientation.
To those who are still unsure of coming out, I say Love and self-respect. Toughen up and think positive. We have some rights to claim.