LGBT awareness and support for the youth may be growing at a rapid rate, but you’d be very foolish to think that life is plain sailing for this demographic. In fact, despite the progress in so many areas, they are perhaps the most vulnerable group of all when it comes to mental health issues.

The LGBT movement is growing, and society is generally trying to be more accepting. However, most non-LGBT individuals are still poorly educated on the subject.
Recent studies show that LGBT youth offenders face a tougher time than other groups. Moreover, they are overrepresented in the figures displaying the backgrounds of offenders. While this does provide evidence that LGBT youths are under huge stress, it is only the latest item in a long list of research.
LGBT Youth Still Misunderstood
The LGBT movement is growing, and society is generally trying to be more accepting. However, most non-LGBT individuals are still poorly educated on the subject. This is irrespective of their intentions and willingness to understand the situation.
Perhaps the most significant source of frustration for many LGBT youths comes at home. Many parents find it difficult to discuss sex with LGBT kids. Meanwhile, a variety of other family activities are compromised by a lack of understanding over the LGBT issues. This is far tougher on the emotions than poor treatment from uneducated outsiders.
It’s tough enough for an LGBT to realize and accept who they are, especially at a young age. The lack of correct support, even when loved ones want to help, continues to be a problem.
LGBT Still Face Other Problems
The unique and complex problems facing LGBT youth are tough enough to handle alone. In reality, though, the majority have to juggle those issues with other life troubles. In many cases, those outside factors are exacerbated by the LGBT elements.
For example, LGBT can still cause employment issues. This can make the financial difficulties that we all face feel even worse. Services like are there to provide a safety net for anyone with money concerns. Still, the LGBT community regularly faces even greater troubles on those common issues than others.
The youth of today already have it tough in so many ways thanks to the economy. This has seen a huge spike in mental health cases. Add the LGBT element, and the dangers become clear.
LGBT Still The Minority
Arguably the most worrying factor for many people in the LGBT community is that outsiders think that everything is fine. After all, the awareness is greater than ever while a number of high-profile LGBT figures are celebrated. Still, there is a long way to go in the bid for true equality.
Given that people can announce their status with pride, it can feel as though the community is bigger than ever. However, studies at show that LGBT is still a minority group. Furthermore, it confirms that they still face a great deal of adversity. The fact that many outsiders assume that LGBT people have never had it easier couldn’t be further from the truth.
Finally, despite the plethora of online facilities, real-world support groups for LGBT teens are still inadequate.