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LGBTQIA community: Here’s how to build resilience

Upholding your status within the LGBTQIA takes courage, and in particular, resilience, to maintain the best of you.

Photo by Anna Shvets from

As with any beliefs or values that stem beyond societal “norms,” there are challenges to be met. Within the LGBTQI community, it can often mean you’re subject to abuse from others, which is incredibly upsetting. 

Photo by Anna Shvets from

According to Ryan Thjoreson, from the LGBT rights program at the Human Rights Watch, Filipino students are “often the targets of ridicule and even violence.”

Upholding your status within the LGBTQIA takes courage, and in particular, resilience, to maintain the best of you. 

People may hate you for being different and not living by society’s standards, but deep down, they wish they had the courage to do the same – Kevin Hart

Resilience enables people to cope with stressful situations easily while keeping a positive frame of mind. Although some people are naturally resilient and maintain a sense of calm and positivity under challenging scenarios, others struggle.

However, resilience can be learned and adopted, with some practice. To find out more about how you can build up your protective barrier and become a strong resilient member of your community, the below tips shall help you.

Love Yourself 

To fend off any negativity, you need first to love yourself in every way possible. Stress motivates us to do unhealthy things, such as neglect our health and well-being by picking up unhealthy habits such as smoking and drinking. And worry can cause you to lose hours of much-needed sleep. 

Instead, try to look for alternative ways to handle stress. Use your anger or sadness, and channel that energy into, for example, exercise – a brisk walk can do your body and mind the world of good. Additionally, consider swapping your vice for cigarettes for bc vapes instead; it isn’t so damaging for your health. Vaping mimics the actions of smoking, which is particularly comforting for those who are used to smoking regularly. 

By training your mind to choose salad over junk food, water over alcohol, and sleep over a Netflix binge, you can build a healthier you, who’s prepared to take on daily changes in their stride.

Find A Purpose 

Festering over a bad day, or situation can often pull down your potential to be resilient, and let something go and move on. 

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Having a focus or finding your purpose in life can divert your thoughts to something more useful.

Often throwing yourself into something good for you can change your perspective on life and make you realize how insignificant some people’s thoughts and opinions are.


Accepting yourself is incredibly important. 

“Find out who you are and be that person. That’s what your soul was put on this Earth to be. Find that truth, live that truth, and everything else will come.”
Ellen DeGeneres

But so is accepting others. We might not necessarily understand someone’s reasons for doing something and believe there’s a better way to be. But sometimes, it’s far easier for you to accept and move on, and back away from those you don’t see eye to eye with. 

Help Others In Your Community

Lastly – help others. There are other people in your community with their own problems that might need help. Our inner strength and resilience appears in force when we see the ones we love upset. To propel your resilience, turn to support those who are not coping.

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Your "not that regular" all-around gal, writing about anything, thus everything. "There's always more to discover... thus write about," she says in between - GASP! - puffs. And so that's what she does, exactly. Write, of course; not (just) puff.


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