#Bisexual woman Kace Cabali laments #bierasure including in the #LGBTQIA community, where #bi people are not seen as “gay enough nor straight enough”. She...
Specific strategies need to be developed to provide support to those providing unpaid care work and emotional labor alongside medical expertise. These might include...
The prejudice about bi people affects men, women, and non-binary people differently. According to popular opinion, bi people perceived to be men are “actually...
Meet same-sex partners Cheryl Salvador and Kace Cabali who lament the continuing absence of legal recognition of #LGBTQIA relationships in the Philippines, yet they...
Bisexual people have over two times the rates of asthma and other lung diseases as heterosexual adults. Overall, 29% of bisexual adults reported experiencing...
Meet Fire Sia, who helped found bi organization Side B Philippines. The LGBTQIA community itself can help deal with bi-erasure to ensure proper representation...