From the Editor To Pinoys with HIV: Nag-viral load o CD4 test ka na? If not yet, hanap na ng ibang treatment hub! To all Filipinos with HIV: If, until now, you still have not undergone CD4 and/or viral load test, and yet your treatment hub collects... Michael David dela Cruz Tan, MDCApr 1, 2024
Features PhilHealth clarifies OHAT coverage Different treatment hubs give PLHIVs different services, even if they pay the same amount to PhilHealth. But while the earlier PhilHealth circular that mentioned... Patrick King PascualAug 29, 2015
Features PLHIVs ask PhilHealth to reconsider HIV response Pinoys living with HIV are complaining about the varying services offered by different treatment hubs, even if they all pay the same amount to... Patrick King PascualAug 14, 2015
People You Should Know Janfred Palikpikan: Challenging HIV stigma in faith communities The life of Janfred Palikpikan changed when he learned about his HIV status. Now as an advocate for the rights of PLHIVs, he believes... Red TreseSep 8, 2014