Suicidal thoughts and attempts are two and five times higher, respectively, among LGB adolescents compared to their heterosexual peers. However, Black LGB adolescents were...
A specific recommendation based on this review is that, when a young people disclose that their friend has self-harmed, the adults involved should also...
LGBTQ+ youth were more likely to experience depression and thoughts and attempts of suicide, but these mental health symptoms were reduced when LGBTQ+ youths...
Lesbian women had more than three times higher odds of suicidal ideation. Bisexual women had almost four times higher odds. And bisexual men exhibited...
Experiences of bullying may contribute to the increased probability of suicidal thoughts among lesbian or gay adults, and that experiences of discrimination and bullying...
Adolescents who reported their sexual identity as bisexual, gay, lesbian, or “not sure” had similarly increased odds of being bullied compared to heterosexual peers....
Non-heterosexual students were significantly more likely than heterosexual students to have seriously thought about attempting suicide (24.4% versus 6.9%) and to have attempted suicide...