Bahaghari marked the death of transgender woman Jennifer Laude with a pledge to "remain committed and steadfast in forwarding the national democratic aspirations of...
LGBTQ+ group Bahaghari has criticized the continued Balikatan exercise as the perpetuation of the “violation of national sovereignty” and “a threat to LGBTQ+ Filipinos’...
Unity statement of LGBTQI organizations against Pemberton’s presidential pardon, with the move said to send out a loud and clear message that a Filipino...
Getting away with murder, as Pres. Rodrigo Duterte granted “absolute pardon” to US Marine Lance Corporal Joseph Scott Pemberton, who was convicted for the...
US Marine Lance Corporal Joseph Scott Pemberton is to be released, following an order from the Olongapo City Regional Trial Court. Pemberton killed trans...
Pushing for the convicted American criminal's case is his Filipino lawyer, Rowena Garcia-Flores, who said the US serviceman should be freed from his special...