There are 16-year-olds who "sell" themselves via Facebook pages, and too many LGBTQIA people actually "buy". Help the minor by choosing not to abuse...
#LGBTQIA #transgender and #genderdiverse individuals, especially #transmen, are at higher risk of experiencing all forms of violence. Solution: #gender-affirming violence prevention and intervention services,...
Adult brains continue to be affected by childhood maltreatment in adulthood because these experiences make individuals more likely to experience obesity, inflammation and traumatic...
Exposure to physical, psychological, and sexual abuse as well as bullying and family dysfunction, collectively termed "adversarial childhood experiences" (ACEs), are known to have...
Exposure to interpersonal violence throughout childhood or adulthood increases an individual’s chance of developing adult-onset diabetes by more than 20%.
A better understanding of how memories of child maltreatment are maintained and exacerbated over time, and of how the memories affect daily functioning, could...
62% of the perpetrators of online sexual abuse were acquaintances from their offline life, with a majority of those being current or former intimate...
Particularly elevated rates of self-harm, suicidal thoughts, and suicide attempts were found in those who were ever subjected to sexual and emotional IPV, those...