All-male groups were 45% more likely to form an exclusionary alliance compared to all-female groups. For the researchers, ensuring gender equity in decision-making bodies...
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) closed its Office of Diversity and Inclusion (ODI), pre-empting the second term of the country’s newly reelected president,...
Children see discriminatory acts — negative actions motivated by the victim’s group membership — as less serious than identical harmful acts motivated by other...
In Georgia, there is now a law that bans same-sex marriages, adoptions by same-sex couples, and public endorsement and depictions of LGBTQ+ relations and...
Students with the highest sports participation were predominantly white, heterosexual and had high access to resources, while participants with the lowest sports participation held...
Among students who felt depressed or anxious, transgender students were 74% less likely than their cisgender peers to seek help from parents than from...