Love Affairs ‘Til death do us part? Maybe not The old notion that people stay together for life appears to be a little outdated. Individuals no longer want to stick with each other... Lily AsisJul 20, 2021
Love Guides 5 Date ideas to attract, seduce & win over a Leo man or woman Here are five date ideas from the best love psychics that can help attract a Leo man or woman. Lily AsisJul 20, 2021
Love Guides Want to talk about prenups? Describe them as something else Those who felt prenups were bad argued that prenups were antithetical to the idea of marriage as a lifelong institution; that prenups were an... StaffJun 23, 2021
Technology How can I spice up sexting with my long-distance FWB? Long-distance relationships with friends with benefits are going to push you to the brink. Not only do you have to deal with not being... Lily AsisJun 19, 2021
Lifestyle & Culture Can art link people at the time of COVID-19? Can you create intimacy with a stranger through the virtual space? Meet Ran Öz and Johannes Frick, two queer artists from different countries (i.e.... Mikee dela CruzMay 20, 2021
Love Affairs When does the green monster of jealousy wake up in people? Jealousy is activated when a relationship we care about is threatened. The function is probably to minimize threats to this relationship. These threats have... StaffMay 5, 2021
Love Affairs People do not learn from regretting one night stands Regret is flexible, not constant. Or, as psychologists say, regret is adaptive. It changes according to the conditions. StaffApr 6, 2021
Love Affairs How accurate are first impressions on a first date? The high stakes of first dates require would-be partners to make and interpret first impressions. But, can we rely on these first impressions to... StaffFeb 18, 2021
Love Affairs Use of pronouns may show signs of an impending breakup Whether someone was getting dumped or was doing the dumping, language markers of the imminent breakup were notable up to three months before the... StaffFeb 4, 2021
Love Guides Entering the new year alone? What single life will look like in 2021 Dating is definitely going to be different for a while to come, and even if things do go back to how they were before... Lily AsisFeb 4, 2021