#KaraniwangLGBT Forever seeking the love… Forever Diosa may not have personally experienced discrimination as a gay man, but his life - even with supportive family - isn't always easy.... Michael David dela Cruz Tan, MDCJan 23, 2020
#KaraniwangLGBT ‘Labanan ang hamon ng buhay’ Cassie Jannelle Madridazon Gallardo, from Tugatog, Malabon City, was 18 when she ran away from home. She believed then that she can face life’s... Michael David dela Cruz Tan, MDCSep 17, 2019
Editor's Picks Malabon passes anti-discrimination ordinance on the basis of SOGIE Malabon City now has an anti-discrimination ordinance (ADO) that prohibits: discrimination in schools and the workplace, delivery of goods or services, accommodation, restaurants, movie... OutrageMag.com StaffOct 22, 2018