Suicidal thoughts and attempts are two and five times higher, respectively, among LGB adolescents compared to their heterosexual peers. However, Black LGB adolescents were...
Every person possesses multiple identities — including gender, race and sexual orientation, to name a few. Some combinations of identities, for example, Black bisexual...
Experiences of bullying may contribute to the increased probability of suicidal thoughts among lesbian or gay adults, and that experiences of discrimination and bullying...
Non-heterosexual students were significantly more likely than heterosexual students to have seriously thought about attempting suicide (24.4% versus 6.9%) and to have attempted suicide...
Females were more likely to experience suicidal thoughts and behavior (17.7%) than males (10.8%), and that those adolescents without a father in the home...
Mental health professionals working in high-stigma environments across the world should consider addressing the internalized homonegativity and social isolation of LGBTQ clients, while advocating...