Op-Ed ARV and skin discoloration After noticing skin discoloration since he started taking ARVs, a Filipino living with HIV asks if this should be a source of worry. Dr.... Jose Narciso Melchor SesconMay 15, 2015
Op-Ed ARV causes fingernail darkening? A Filipino PLHIV asks about the darkening of his fingernails since he started taking the Lamivudine/Zidovudine/Nevirapine combo. Dr. Jose Narciso Melchor Sescon provides some... Jose Narciso Melchor SesconDec 8, 2014
Op-Ed On using drugs with adverse effects A Filipino person living with HIV asks about his continuing use of a drug that adversely affects him, and Dr. Jose Narciso Melchor Sescon... Jose Narciso Melchor SesconOct 12, 2014
Op-Ed On using phased-out medication A Filipino person living with HIV asks about his continuing use of Stavudine in his treatment in the Philippines, even if the World Health... Jose Narciso Melchor SesconSep 22, 2014