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The new culture surrounding health

The culture that surrounds health and good lifestyle choices in some parts of the world is most definitely influencing it.

The culture that surrounds health and good lifestyle choices in some parts of the world is most definitely influencing it. Now fitness and having a good body has become more of a fashion statement, and we can definitely say that social media has influenced that. There are now more social media influencers on Instagram that are selling training packages and essentially selling a dream to young people. But this isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Although they will have a lot of knowledge about the fitness world, it’s rare that many of them have done more than a personal training course. That means they only have knowledge of the human body and nutrition through their own research.

However, the fuel it’s giving to people all around the world is insane, so we want to talk about the new culture surrounding health and how you can be a part of it.

Using Alternative 

Medicine is something that has become rather corrupt over the years. Health services all over the world are stretched, and in many countries, their hospitals are on a business model, rather than a healthcare model. They’re a way of the higher powers in the world making  a lot of money.

One of the ways they do so is through the many medicines they have to dispense for the many conditions that we all have. So now people are switching to vaping as an alternative to smoking, and we think it is very cultural based. In the US and the UK, vaping is higher than it has ever been before.

Smok is just one of the brands you can use to vape. They do coils and tanks that can suit your needs. The health benefits are far better than smoking, and it’s a much easier way to get off smoking. Wean your way off the vape and you won’t have any cravings at all. 

Lifting Weights & Sculpting Bodies

Lifting weights has become far more popular for both men and women. Women in particular are now proud to be strong, and are no longer shunned to the treadmills. Lifting weights is so good for your body. It tones up your muscles, releases endorphins, strengthens your joints and muscles, and gets you feeling good.

To get into it you could do one of the classes each week such as the body sculpt classes. They’re usually based around lifting weights and they sculpt your body so much. It’s a good way to get comfortable with lifting weights because it is in front of an instructor. 

Supplements & Strict Diets

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Supplements have become so popular for those who are going to the gym. Weigh protein is essential for anyone who is looking to gain muscle mass. Strict diets have seen an increase in the number of people who are turning vegetarian.

There are many vegetarian brands selling great meat substitutes, and vegetarian meals in the restaurants are incredible. It seems to have become a modern view that vegetarianism is cool now, when people once used to joke as it was different. 

Written By

Your "not that regular" all-around gal, writing about anything, thus everything. "There's always more to discover... thus write about," she says in between - GASP! - puffs. And so that's what she does, exactly. Write, of course; not (just) puff.


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