All teenagers are likely to go through a number of specific and expected rites of passage, and the more you know about these, the better. After all, being prepared for them means that you have a much greater chance of knowing how to deal with them, and you can get prepared in a way that many people are not always able to do. And if you are a parent of teenagers, understanding these rites can help you to do your best as a parent in this situation too.
Let’s take a look at some of them in detail right now.

Discovering Sexuality
It is usually around this time that most of us start to discover our sexuality, and for that reason it is often one of the most traumatic and stressful times of all. If you are at this age and you are starting to wonder about this side of things, you should try to remember that there is no right and wrong with regards to your sexuality.
If there are people around you making you feel that there is a right and a wrong, you should do whatever you feel able to do in order to tell them otherwise, or have them reported if they are being discriminative.
Learning To Drive
One thing that most people will do at this time in their life is learn to drive. If you have not done this yet, then you still have this to look forward to, but the truth is that you might be nervous or worried about it as most people would be. However, as long as you are looking forward to being able to drive, you just need to make sure that you are keeping on with the process.
There is plenty to learn, from understanding about engines and wheels and tyres to learning the rules of the road. But it is one of the more exciting parts of being a teenager for most people.

Changing Outlooks
Around this time is when most of us start to develop and decide on our general outlook on life. You might find your ideas about life changing in some incredibly surprising ways, or you might just feel that you are certain on a number of factors and that it will never change. In any case, you need to be aware that these outlooks are an important part of the process of growing up, and something that you should be grateful for on the whole.
It is very common to start to feel rebellious around this time too, and in particular to want to test the boundaries a little. If you are feeling this is something you would like to do, it is okay to do so as long as you are being safe. It actually is one of the most important things you can hope to do, and it’s something which you should try to enjoy and appreciate while it lasts. Just make sure you don’t cause any lasting damage in your relationships.