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UP Cebu retains gender inclusive graduation guidelines to allow grads to use lived names

University of the Philippines Cebu announced that for this year’s graduation ceremonies, it will “uphold its commitment to gender inclusivity” by allowing graduates to use their lived names for the ceremony.

University of the Philippines Cebu announced that for this year’s graduation ceremonies, it will “uphold its commitment to gender inclusivity” by allowing graduates to use their lived names for the ceremony.

This is actually continuing the guidelines from previous commencement exercises.

Similarly, graduates are allowed to dress according to their lived identities, though “as long as the attire complies with academic costume guidelines and includes the sablay.”

Because there is still no law allowing for LGBTQIA people to change their names and/or gender markers in legal documents, the existing names in the legal documents of the graduates (e.g. birth certificate) will still appear on their UP-issued official documents (e.g. transcript of record, diploma).


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