It is a new year and that means a fresh start. All those habits that we let slide at the end of 2020, it is now time to get them kicked to the curb. It is a good idea to try and get them nipped in the bud as soon as possible so you can continue these healthy habits as the year wears on. Be sure to set yourself realistic goals – you want to be able to attain them and not just start well only to slip off the bandwagon. For example, if you want to eat healthier, you don’t need to go from what you eat now to living off a strict diet of fruit and veg and giving yourself no breaks.

It is important to keep everything in moderation and still enjoy your life, after all, it is too short not to enjoy yourself too. Here are some top ways you can become healthier this year…
- Give up smoking
If you have always smoked, it can be a very hard habit to give up. Nicotine is an extremely addictive substance and the withdrawal is extremely hard. This is why instead of going full-on cold turkey, it is a good idea to switch to vaping instead. This way you’re not inhaling lungfuls of smoke and tar into your body. There are so many types of vape out there, in a range of colours, from a black vape pen to a pink one, all in different shapes and styles, with a selection of flavours to choose from.
- Change your mindset to be more positive
We all love a good moan every now and then, but it can be easy to fall into a trap of becoming very negative about all aspects of our lives. If you find yourself constantly moaning about your life, your day and talking negatively about other people behind their back, it is a good idea to try and kick this habit to the curb. By being more positive you will feel better in yourself and it is a good way to become much healthier mentally. You will soon notice a difference and will feel much better for it.
- Do more exercise
Exercise is a word that can bring doom to many people, but that is why it is important to find something you like and enjoy and stick to it. There are a host of workout routines out there, from running to cycling, to yoga. Try a few different ones and see which works the best for you and gets you motivated. You will soon look and feel a lot better in yourself and find it positively impacts all aspects of your daily life.
These are just a few ways that you can become healthier this year. Ensure that you do it sensibly, safely and try to attain it. Keep a chart or someone to talk to and share your progress – it will make you more likely to stick to it! What are your thoughts on becoming healthier this year? Let us know in the comments!