The gender X citizens of the world, you don’t belong to one tribe. Sure, you love the country of your birth and are patriotic, but you don’t call it home. To you, home is where the heart is, and your blood-pumping muscle has gone global. You’ve caught the bug and want to visit as many countries as possible.
In short, you’re a citizen of the world.
Picking which places to fly to next isn’t as easy as it sounds. There are too many places and not all of them appeal to your personality. Hopefully, the tips below will help you to be decisive.
You’ll hear lots of people talk about how certain places are ‘once in a lifetime’ opportunities. The truth is we can pretty much visit any place on the planet with a click of a button. However, there are places on God’s green earth which do fall into the category. Imagine getting to say you’ve been to North Korea – the chances are that won’t happen again.
So, when the opportunity arises, you should consider dropping everything else. It’s irrational, it’s immature, and it’s part of what makes traveling so intoxicating. Never say no to a bona fide one-time thing.
Everyone has values they live by; however, that doesn’t mean other places share the same morals. You might be gay or transgender or straight but an advocate for the movement. If you are, places, where LGBTQ rights aren’t respected might not be the best choice.
Check out this list at for more info.
First of all, it can land you in jail or with a fine. Secondly, it’s upsetting to see ideas which belong in the past still openly celebrated. On the other hand, you might need to go to gain an understanding of the people and country. The choice is yours, but morals should always play a part.
Again, your sexuality and life choices might put you in danger. Although it’s not fair, it’s essential to consider beforehand. But, there are more risks which have nothing to do with your gender or preferences. Some places are inherently unsafe for different reasons. You can see the rate of motorcycle accidents at yet you can times it by ten in Southeast Asia. The same goes for violent crimes in this country compared to South and Central America. If you can’t guarantee your safety, then it might not be worth going.
You have a bucket list, but does it take geography into account? Think about all of the places you want to go and split them up by their location. The nations that are closest can go to the bottom of the list because they’re easier to visit. The exotic ones which take days to get there and don’t have running water are for the young and passionate. Everything else you can fit into your golden years or long weekends. For example, states in the US you’ve never been to.
Where you go is a personal choice. However, the thing to remember is common sense. Keep that in mind and you won’t go too far wrong.