The fraction is considered to be the part of the whole number and it will be always divided into 2 parts which will be the numerator and the denominator. For example in the cases of 2/5, 2 is the numerator and five is the denominator. Dividing the fraction by another fraction is considered to be the same process of multiplication of the fraction but the only thing which people need to take into consideration over here is to deal with the reciprocal or inverse of the other one. For example, in the case of dividing 2/5, kids need to indulge in the reciprocal which will be 5/2.
So, having a clear idea about this basic implementation is very much important so that there is no chance of any kind of mistake in the whole process.
Following are some of the basic steps to be followed by people at the time of the dividing fractions:
- In the very first step, people need to find out the reciprocal of the second fraction which is the divisor for example reciprocal of 1/3 will be 3/1 or only three.
- Then one will need to multiply the first fraction which will be divided by the reciprocal of the second one which will be the divisor. In this case, it will be 1/3×3/1
- After this people need to multiply the numerator and the denominator of the fractions. In this case, it will be 1/2×3/1 which will come out to be 3/2.
Following is the catchy song which kids need to learn over here so that there is no chance of any kind of mistake and they become the masters of dividing fractions very successfully:
- First of all, people need to take fractions for the division to apply
- Flip the second one and then multiply
- In the end, you need to simplify
- So next time you decide to divide the fractions don’t forget to apply
- The simple rule is to flip and multiply
If you are interested to divide the fraction by the whole number then the following are the basic steps that you need to follow in this particular case. Making this very simple rule over here is that number divided by one is the number itself. The steps are:
- First of all, people need to convert the whole number into a fraction by using the denominator of one
- After this people flip this particular number
- Now, one will need to multiply the fraction
- Now, one will need to simplify the result if required
The example will be 3/5÷5. First of all, people need to convert 5 into 5/1 and then flipping it will provide the people with the answer of 1/5. Then people need to simply multiply 3/5×1/5 which will provide the people with the answer of 3/25 without any kind of issue.
Following are some of the real-life applications of the fractions which everybody should know so that they can indulge into the dividing fractions very successfully without any kind of hassle:
- Whenever people go out with friends then the restaurant bill has to be split up which will require people to have a good command over dividing of fractions.
- Whenever there are any kind of medical prescriptions when somebody is sick then the dose of the medicines will be based upon dividing fractions
- People need to be clear about the progress or decline of any kind of product which will always be based upon dividing fractions
- Dividing fractions can also be used in terms of expressing the time in minutes and hours.
Hence, depending upon platforms like Cuemath is the best possible way of ensuring that people will be having a good command over the equivalent fraction and several other kinds of related things in the industry.