It’s that time of year again when everybody is booking their trips away to give themselves a break from normality. Usually, people choose to jet off abroad and spend a week or two on the beach sunning themselves. While this is a great option, it can work out extremely expensive and for some people, it gets monotonous because they’re doing the same thing day in and day out. If you’re looking for a little more from your holiday this year, or you’re simply looking on spending less money on a trip away, then why not consider camping? Don’t know where to start?
Take a look at this ultimate camping checklist for this summer’s vacation.

Photo by Tegan Mierle from
Bottled water
Most campsites supply a water tap for cooking and pot washing purposes, but it’s always a good idea to take bottled water to drink and also for cooking just incase their water isn’t very clean or there isn’t one at all.
Roof rack
Being in the great outdoors promotes more physical exercise. Why not take your bicycles on holiday with you and experience some well needed fresh air? You can buy roof racks online from 4WDSupacentre so that you can easily attach them to your car or van.
Blankets and pillows
While you may have already purchased sleeping bags, you will soon find that they can be very uncomfortable to sleep in for a number of days in a row. Take blankets and pillows to pad the ground out with for a much cosier slumber.
Camping stove
You may have an idea of cooking on an open fire, and while this is great, some campsites don’t allow fires on their grounds. Take a gas camping stove with you to heat your food so that you’ve always got a warm meal.
Pick up a few windbreakers so that you can shield yourselves from the wind when you’re pitched up out in the open. Not only do they prevent you from being blown away, but they add some extra privacy to your space. Perfect for those times where the campsite is busy!
If you are lucky enough to stay on a campsite that allows open fires, then it’s always a good idea to keep a box or two of firelighters in your car in case it’s difficult to get a fire going. If you want to be super prepared, take some kindling to get your fire going nicely to save yourself even more time and effort.
Camping poses the perfect opportunity to take some time out to simply sit in the sun and relax. Why not take a good book or two to accompany your relaxation and let yourself slip away into your book for an hour or two. Pair that with some ice cold drinks and you’re in relaxation heaven!
Toilet paper
Finally, one of the first items on your list should be toilet paper. While campsites often offer amenities for toilets and showering, you might find yourself in a sticky situation. Stock up on toilet paper so that you don’t land yourself in any uh-oh moments.