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Nominations are now accepted for the Bahaghari Media Awards 2016, which recognizes the important role of the media in bettering the plight of LGBTQI people particularly in the Philippines. The nominations will close on May 20, and award recipients will be announced at a ceremony on June 24.

Recognizing LGBT allies.

Nominations are now accepted for the Bahaghari Media Awards 2016, which recognizes the important role that media plays in informing/educating the public about LGBTQI-related issues, thereby aiding in bettering the plight of LGBTQI people particularly in the Philippines.

More particularly, the Bahaghari Media Awards gives recognition to media personalities whose works: highlight the plight of LGBT Filipinos; help inform/educate Filipino public about LGBTQI people; aid in pushing for LGBTQI issues to be recognized; and assist in whatever way in the struggle for equal rights by LGBTQI people.


According to Michael David C. Tan, publishing editor of Outrage Magazine, the only LGBT publication in the Philippines, which will co-host this year’s event with Rainbow Rights Project Inc. (R-Rights), the awards “recognize that while mainstream media continues to get flak for not properly providing coverage to LGBT issues, there are actually already numerous best practices. And even as we continue to find ways for LGBT people to be better represented by the media, the existing efforts that help better LGBT people’s lives shouldn’t be forgotten.”

For Angie Umbac of R-Rights, a good example is “Jennifer Laude who self-identified, lived and died as a woman, yet in the media reports following her death, the treatment of her case is without regard for her life choice. This misgendering of Jennifer and other transgender people, among other negative, misleading, and sensationalized representation of LGBT people in the media, has inspired us to push for the Bahaghari Media Awards – to spotlight LGBT media heroes who provide an inclusive, equal, and non-discriminatory platform for reporting on LGBT issues, and who against the odds, continue to inspire others in their profession to positively feature the diversity of the LGBT community,” Umbac said. “It is high time for us to celebrate the advancements and best practices in media reporting that will go a long way in shaping societal norms, and ending violence and discrimination committed against LGBT Filipinos.”

There are two ways nominees are identified for the Bahaghari Media Awards.

  1. The Bahaghari Awards secretariat monitors the media in order to identify nominees. Media practitioners in outlets created by and for an LGBT audience are not considered for nomination.
  2. The Bahaghari Awards secretariat issues a CALL FOR NOMINATION, encouraging particularly LGBT community members to nominate media practitioners for consideration. The secretariat may nominate media practitioners even if they are not submitted as part of the CALL FOR NOMINATION.

The Bahaghari Awards secretariat comes up with portfolios of the LGBT-related works of the nominees. These are then provided to pre-selected members of a Board of Judges, who will decide the winners.

Bahaghari Media Awards winners are selected using the following criteria:

  1. Fairness, accuracy and inclusive representation/s, which attempts to feature efforts of media practitioners to include the diversity of the LGBT community in their reporting;
  2. Daring, originality and consistency, which looks at the groundbreaking approach and, hopefully, the groundbreaking effect/s of the media practitioner/s’ effort/s in pushing for LGBT rights in the Philippines, as well as the consistency of the efforts; and
  3. Impact, which focuses on the effects – perceived or actual – that the media practitioner/s’ media-related effort/s have in the promotion of LGBT rights in the Philippines.


The nominations will close on May 20, 2016 (6:00PM).

Award recipients will be announced at the Bahaghari Media Awards 2016 ceremony on June 24, 2016.

Launched in 2013 by Outrage Magazine, the Bahaghari Media Awards is part of Bahaghari Awards, which are recognitions given to those who help in bettering the plight of LGBT people particularly in the Philippines. The inaugural Bahaghari Media Awards winners in 2013 were Cheche Lazaro, Dr. Margarita Go-Singco Holmes, Lea Salonga, Jessica Soho and Prof. Solita “Winnie” Monsod.

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TEL.: (+63 2) 556 4743
MOB.: (+63) 915 797 2229 / 928 785 4244 (Outrage Magazine)
(+63) 917 664 8890 (Rainbow Rights Project Inc.)


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