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Could keystone habits get your life back on track?

There is no substitute for accessing professional help when you’re in a bad way, but there are also very small changes that you can make to support yourself in difficult times.


Life has a way of going off track sometimes. You start off with good intentions, but you get thrown a curveball and things start falling apart. It could be the loss of a job, someone close to you passing away, getting injured or seriously ill, or the break up of a meaningful relationship.


In times of sadness and anger, we can quickly turn to negative coping mechanisms in an attempt to mute our emotions. This can show itself in many ways, from alcohol or drug addiction through to gambling and other reckless behaviors like self harm. Things can spiral if we don’t get the appropriate help quickly, and you could wake up one day and find yourself in a men’s alcohol rehab center or looking around wondering where it all went wrong. 

What Is A Keystone Habit?

There is no substitute for accessing professional help when you’re in a bad way, but there are also very small changes that you can make to support yourself in difficult times. Keystone habits are minor, everyday behavior, that on the surface of it can seem almost trivial. And yet most of our daily life and wellbeing are the result of the choices we make about the basics – what we eat and drink, how much sleep we get, and whether we take any exercise. These small habits actually make up our daily existence. Sometimes, when there are big issues and life feels like it’s spinning out of control, being able to focus on these small things gives us something that we can control, in a positive way. It may not seem much, but mastering these things gives you the power to make real change in your life, perhaps at a time when you’re trying to recover from something major. And you have nothing to lose by giving them a go.

Make Your Bed In the Morning

This one is a very easy habit to get started with, and according to studies on high-achieving people, making your bed as soon as you get up in the morning creates a productive mindset which can then spread to other tasks in your day. It’s a very simple thing to tick off, and it instantly makes the room look neater. You get to tick something off straight away, and that creates a positive momentum that helps you to achieve more.

Learn A Few Recipes

Relying on takeout food is easy, but it’s also bad for your waistline and your wallet. Takeout food is packed full of sugar, salt and additives which are poison for your body, and it isn’t a smart move financially. Learning just a handful of simple recipes using fresh ingredients can make a huge difference. You’re supporting your body and your health with nutrients and saving money. If you work all day, invest in a slow cooker – you can prep the ingredients the night before and leave them to cook while you’re out and come home to a nourishing meal that’s ready to eat.

Do Some Morning Exercises

If you make time to fit in some exercise in the morning, you’re likely to notice an immediate impact on your mood. Working out releases endorphins – a feelgood brain chemical that keeps us happy and focused. Morning is the best time to fit in a run or stream a quick HIIT workout, as it gets our bodies going for the day. Make just a little time for it and you’re likely to see a lot of positive benefits.

Written By

Your "not that regular" all-around gal, writing about anything, thus everything. "There's always more to discover... thus write about," she says in between - GASP! - puffs. And so that's what she does, exactly. Write, of course; not (just) puff.


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