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How to obtain a leadership role in law enforcement

There are steps you can take to obtain a leadership role in law enforcement and, in turn, find yourself soaring to new heights in your career. It’ll take hard work and dedication on your part to achieve the results you desire, but if you keep pushing forward and refuse to give up then you should feel confident that all your efforts will eventually pay off.

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You may be enjoying your time as a police officer but a little part of you could be longing to get a bit more out of your career over the long-term. One way to do so is to show and demonstrate to your boss and colleagues that you’re a strong leader.

There are steps you can take to obtain a leadership role in law enforcement and, in turn, find yourself soaring to new heights in your career. It’ll take hard work and dedication on your part to achieve the results you desire, but if you keep pushing forward and refuse to give up then you should feel confident that all your efforts will eventually pay off. 

Get A Higher Education

One way to obtain a leadership role in law enforcement is to venture into higher education and gain a degree. Use your new knowledge to showcase reasons as to why you’re someone who should be promoted into a higher-level position and take on more responsibility. Look into registering for an online police program that will help you land a job such as being Chief of Police or a Detective. You’ll gain information in these courses that will be invaluable to your future and that will help you to progress into a better leader at work. You’ll find you have more confidence in yourself and your abilities when you further your education, which will allow you to step up and be a leader at work. 

Track Your Performance

You have to look out for yourself and know your worth in any profession. Therefore, make it clear to others what you’re capable of by tracking your performance and noting what you bring to the table. Doing so shows that you’re someone who’s able to take charge and take control of your career path. Bring your notes to your performance review meetings with your boss and go over exactly what actions you’ve taken over the years that clearly show you’re a leader in your industry. For instance, maybe you’re someone who’s good at delegating, is honest and ethical, and has the ability to motivate your peers. These are the types of actions your superiors want to know about and see from you. 

Always be Networking

Another way to obtain a leadership role in law enforcement is to network with your peers and the people in your community. Take on additional responsibilities in conjunction with your job duties and use it as a way to meet new people and have others get to know you better. Let it be known to those above you that you’re interested in developing your skills further and ultimately being in a leadership role. Networking is a great way to strengthen your law enforcement connections, exchange fresh ideas, and advance your career. You never know who you’ll meet or have a conversation with who’ll recognize your talents and be able to help propel your career in the right direction. 

Monitor Your Wellbeing

You’re going to struggle to perform to the best of your ability if your health is suffering and you aren’t taking care of yourself. You’ll have a better chance at achieving a leadership role in law enforcement when you’re proactive about monitoring your wellbeing and practicing good health habits. For example, get plenty of sleep, eat well and exercise regularly so you feel energetic and are in a good mood at work. Your peers are going to look up to you and will want to work with someone who knows the importance of being well. It’s especially important that you’re in good health when working in law enforcement. You need to be in the best mental and physical condition possible so you can protect the community. 

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Prove Yourself Each Day

What you do each day matters a great deal when it comes to furthering and advancing your career in law enforcement. Show that you’re a strong leader by proving yourself each day to your colleagues and bosses. Leaders avoid complaining and are quick to find solutions to problems instead of being negative and pessimistic about a situation. Let each new day be a chance for you to improve your performance and outshine your colleagues. 

Focus on what you can do in your role and what you have control over to help you get ahead. Be a good leader by staying positive, open-minded and working hard to gain new skills. Become the expert others choose to turn to when they’re feeling lost or have questions. Let each new task be a chance for you to improve from the time prior and to demonstrate that you’re a quick and adaptable learner. 

Minimize Mistakes

The truth is that the more mistakes you make the more others are going to second guess your abilities. Therefore, work hard to minimize your mistakes at work if you want to obtain a leadership role in law enforcement. The best way to do this is to document what didn’t go well and how you’re going to change your approach in the future. This will prevent you from committing the same blunders or errors time and time again. If and when you do mess up, be honest about it and speak up so others know you’re taking full accountability for your actions. 

Give your full attention to what you’re doing and avoid distractions at all costs to show you’re focused and serious about your career. Don’t be afraid to ask questions when you’re confused about a particular matter so that you can better perform your job duties. 


Being a police officer is a noble job and you should be proud of all that you’re doing for others and your community. Having the desire to be in a leadership role within law enforcement is a great goal to pursue. While challenging yourself can be hard work and a bit demanding at times, it’s also what’s going to make you shine and stand out from the rest. Put these tips into action and it shouldn’t be long before you’re getting the recognition you deserve at work and are able to successfully lead those around you.  

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Your "not that regular" all-around gal, writing about anything, thus everything. "There's always more to discover... thus write about," she says in between - GASP! - puffs. And so that's what she does, exactly. Write, of course; not (just) puff.


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