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Mersi: ‘Speak out for those who need strength and encouragement’

In the spirit of Pride in the Philippines this December, LGBT people were interviewed in the hopes of showing a broader spectrum of the community. Meet 19-year-old Mersi, who hopes to “eradicate the stigma that comes with being gay. I want people to stop using ‘gay’ as a derogatory word. It’s not cool to make assumptions about a person’s character solely based on their sexuality.”


Age: 19

What she does: Travel Agent

Hobbies/Interests: Today x Future, DJ-ing, music, beach, Parks & Recreation

Goal in life: Rockstar 

I was seven years old when I first realized that I’m attracted to girls. I wasn’t sure then what it meant. I didn’t fully come to terms with it ‘til I was in high school. While growing up, and realizing I was gay, there was never another option other than to accept and love that about myself.

I wanna see people stop marginalizing the LGBT community and I hope to eradicate the stigma that comes with being gay. I want people to stop using “gay” as a derogatory word. It’s not cool to make assumptions about a person’s character solely based on their sexuality.

 [When asked what wrong notion irks her the most about LGBT] Gender roles – insisting that one has to be butch and one has to be femme in a gay relationship. Questions like, ‘Who wears the pants?’. Thinking that it’s a waste if someone is good-looking and gay.

It’s important to know how to think for yourself and figure out what works for you, especially for those who have been a subject of hate and prejudice. If you’ve overcome the struggles of being gay, it’s important to speak out for those people out there who need strength and encouragement.

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A sure-footed wanderer. A shy, but strong personality. Hot-headed but cool. A critic of this propaganda-filled, often brainwashed society. A lover of nature, creativity and intellectual pursuits. Femme in all the right places. Breaking down stereotypical perspectives and narrow-mindedness. A writer with a pen name and no face. I'm a private person, but not closeted. Stay true!


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