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Pride March 2012 slated on Dec. 8

Task Force Pride (TFP) Philippines has announced that the annual Metro Manila Pride March – a celebration of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) pride in the Philippines – is slated to happen on December 8 in Makati City. Themed “Sari-Sali: Pride in Action”, this year’s gathering is to coincide with the Human Rights Consciousness Week and the National Lesbian Day in the Philippines.

Metro Manila Pride March celebrates the LGBT community in the Philippines (as shown here in the 2011 gathering), as it continues to aim to highlight how the LGBT community makes a positive impact in society through their work and action.

Metro Manila Pride March celebrates the LGBT community in the Philippines (as shown here in the 2011 gathering), as it continues to aim to highlight how the LGBT community makes a positive impact in society through their work and action.

Task Force Pride (TFP) Philippines has announced that the annual Metro Manila Pride March – a celebration of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) pride in the Philippines – is slated to happen on December 8 in Makati City. Themed Sari-Sali: Pride in Action, this year’s gathering is to coincide with the Human Rights Consciousness Week and the National Lesbian Day in the Philippines.

Makati City was chosen as this year’s venue to host the Pride celebration to “engage a more mainstream audience”, TFP said in a prepared statement. “It is time for the LGBT community to move out of its niche and gain mainstream acceptance,” said Jade Tamboon, owner of the website, the secretariat organization of this year’s Pride March.

Now in its 18th year, the 2012 Metro Manila Pride March “aims to highlight how the LGBT community makes a positive impact in society through their work and action. The Pride March promotes participation and inclusivity, not only from within the LGBT groups but also from non-LGBT allies who show their support for gender equality.” The Pride March also calls for commitment from the local government units (LGU), the business sector, and educational institutions to “protect the rights of LGBTs through anti-discrimination ordinance and policies; as well as support and affirmation from the families and friends of LGBTs.”  Similarly, the Pride March  aims to encourage the LGBT community to act and support LGBT representation in the government through the Ladlad Partylist and other LGBT-allied lawmakers and public servants.

The whole-day program will include a street market, which will showcase various LGBT organizations, local merchants and small businesses. A commitment ceremony for both LGBT and straight couples officiated by the United Universalists of Metro Manila will held to celebrate love and show the affirmation and support from their families, friends and the community.

Speakers from different political, business and academic sectors will give messages of support and solidarity for the LGBT community after the parade. The program will give way to musicians and performers.

Participants for the celebrations are encouraged to register for free at; Like the official Facebook page at; or follow the official Twitter handle at


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