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Quick tips for oil-free food that tastes great

If you have been thinking about cutting down on the oil in your food, but you don’t know where to start, and you’re worried your favorite dishes won’t taste nearly as good as a result, here are some tips to help you out, and ensure that is not the case.

Removing oil from the cooking process is something that a lot more people are adopting as a regular practice right now. They do it because it removes a lot of calories from their food, and because some seed oils have been linked to diseases that we would all rather avoid.

If you have been thinking about cutting down on the oil in your food, but you don’t know where to start, and you’re worried your favorite dishes won’t taste nearly as good as a result, here are some tips to help you out, and ensure that is not the case.

1. Start Using the Air Fryer

Okay, so you will probably still need to use about a tablespoon of oil when you are cooking up delights like this chicken parmesan air fryer recipe, but that is significantly less than you would otherwise have to use, and it means you can still enjoy the same crispy, flavorful meals you usually would, just with a whole lot less oil, and far fear calories into the bargain, Som the air fryer is a great place to start when you are looking to cut down on your oil consumption.

2. Steam Your Way to Flavor

Steaming might sound bland, but with the right spices and herbs, it can become your go-to method for vibrant and healthy dishes, and you won’t need to add any oil to the process at all. Not only does steaming retain the natural color and nutrients of the ingredients, but it also helps in preserving the crisp texture of vegetables in a way that most other cooking methods simply do not.

3. Bring on the Broth

Sautéing vegetables in broth instead of oil is a fantastic way to maintain the juicy flavor while keeping it as healthy as can be. Whether you prefer vegetable or chicken broth, this method infuses your dishes with a rich depth of flavor, minus the extra calories you would usually need to add in the form of oil and fat, to make it palatable

4. Get Grilling

When you grill your favorite foods, the natural flavors have a chance to truly shine. Marinate your proteins and veggies in a zesty concoction of lemon juice, herbs, and spices, and grill them to perfection. The charred, smoky notes will have your taste buds dancing with joy when they mingle perfectly with the sweet, tangy marinade.

5. Spice It Up

Herbs and spices are packed full of flavor and contain very few calories, while also packing a nutritional punch, so they are the perfect substitute for oil and fat when it comes to adding flavor. So, don’t shy away from experimenting with different combinations to find the perfect palate of flavors for your meals, and ensure no dish goes unseasoned.

6. Let’s Squeeze Some Citrus

Citrus juices can be a great companion in your oil-free culinary journey. A splash of lemon or lime juice can add a fresh and zesty flavor to salads, stir-fries, or even grilled items. It’s an instant flavor booster!

Who needs oil anyway?

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Your "not that regular" all-around gal, writing about anything, thus everything. "There's always more to discover... thus write about," she says in between - GASP! - puffs. And so that's what she does, exactly. Write, of course; not (just) puff.


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