There is a direct, significant relationship between peer pressure and cyberaggression. Sadly, peer pressure prompts students to justify their behavior and end up making...
Workplace bullying is not solely caused by individual characteristics but is also significantly associated with power dynamics at the workplace, as well as with...
Among students who felt depressed or anxious, transgender students were 74% less likely than their cisgender peers to seek help from parents than from...
Even though the esports industry is a diverse community, cyberbullying is rampant in this virtual world, and cisgender and transgender women players are disproportionately...
The level of emotional distress was as much as 60% lower among adolescents with the same social positions but no bias-based bullying experience. Here, bias-based...
Exposure to physical, psychological, and sexual abuse as well as bullying and family dysfunction, collectively termed "adversarial childhood experiences" (ACEs), are known to have...
Cyberbullying could lead to low self-esteem, body image dissatisfaction, and unhealthy attempts to control weight, which could impact the risk of mental health issues,...