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The Best LGBTQ+ Friendly Destinations Across the USA

Some spaces are more welcoming, inviting, warm, and just better (and safer) to be in compared to other areas. Here’s all that you need to know!

Photo by Tim Bieler from

It’s so important when traveling that you go somewhere that you feel like you belong, somewhere that you know for a fact you’ll fit in and feel safe. The last thing you need is to have fear when traveling; traveling is meant to be good for mental health, not stressful. This is especially apparent for those in marginalized groups, such as the LGBTQ+ community.

Unfortunately, a group like this can’t easily just travel anywhere, and that includes the United States too. Some spaces are more welcoming, inviting, warm, and just better (and safer) to be in compared to other areas. In fact, there are some cities here in the US that are practically famous because of how inclusive they are to this community. But what exactly are some of these fabulous destinations? Well, here’s all that you need to know!

San Francisco

All right, so this one might be an obvious choice, but regardless, it still deserves attention! SF is known for being the birthplace of the LGBTQ+ community. It’s the place where inclusivity for this group all began! Even to this day, this is THE place to go, and it’s still the beacon for diversity! But like all cities, there are areas that are better than others when it comes to communities, and SF is just like that.

Sure, the whole city is extremely inclusive, but if you’re traveling, you want to make sure you’re at the peak of comfort, right? The peak of fascination! Plus, there’s the history and being surrounded by the local culture, too!

So, where should you go in that case? Well, the Castro District stands as an iconic symbol of LGBTQ+ culture, with rainbow flags fluttering proudly along its vibrant streets. You can expect to find a lot of culture and history right here in this district! Why not explore landmarks like the Castro Theatre and the GLBT History Museum?

But even simply reveling in the city’s inclusive atmosphere can be just as good, too. Depending on when you’re going, you might even want to plan your visit around the annual San Francisco Pride parade! You read that right; Amsterdam isn’t the only one with a mega pride parade! In fact, SF’s is actually one of the largest and most renowned LGBTQ+ events in the world!


So Denver is slowly making its way into becoming one of the top LGBTQ+ destinations worldwide! Needless to say, Denver is so vibrant, fun, and carefree; it really is a paradise here! So, if you’re seeking some urban excitement without the crowdedness (and the price tag) of San Fransisco, then Denver just might be the next best thing!

One thing you really need to look into is the Denver trans bars and clubs within the thriving nightlife here. While some cities might have one or two (if you’re lucky), Denver has quite a few options, and each has a totally different atmosphere from the next one. Seriously, there is something here for everyone: nightlife and daytime!

New York City

Needless to say, NYC is one of the most diverse and cosmopolitan cities in the world. When it comes to the LGBTQ+ community, the possibilities of what to do are absolutely endless, and there is literally something for everyone, regardless of what you identify as. There’s a connection here, not just fun things to do or wacky foods to eat, but there’s so much history here, too, deep history.

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For example, in Greenwich Village, there’s the Stonewall Inn, which is now a national monument; the same goes for the area where the Stonewall riots took place. Today, the neighborhood remains a thriving center of queer culture, with a plethora of bars, clubs, and theaters to discover.  However, even outside of this neighborhood, there are still other neighbors in NYC who offer a lot of the community.


When a lot of people hear “Portland,” one of the first things that probably comes to mind is a lot of rain, breweries, and inclusivity. Basically, all of these are pretty accurate! Portland offers a unique blend of natural beauty, cultural diversity, and progressive values. Even if that may be the case, are they comparable to the other three cities mentioned? Absolutely! The city’s LGBTQ+ community is embraced and celebrated with a variety of queer-friendly neighborhoods, businesses, and events.

There’s a lot you can do, such as exploring the eclectic arts scene, sampling delicious cuisine at food carts and restaurants, or taking in breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains and rivers. The whole city and its culture are extremely open-minded, so you can expect to feel safe in any neighborhood or any establishment.

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Your "not that regular" all-around gal, writing about anything, thus everything. "There's always more to discover... thus write about," she says in between - GASP! - puffs. And so that's what she does, exactly. Write, of course; not (just) puff.


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