As it launched a lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) section, the UP Center for Women’s Studies hosted officials from the United States Embassy for a books turnover ceremony that saw the giving of more than 30 brand-new LGBT-themed books and DVDs to the UP CWS library’s LGBT Studies collection. The donated books and DVDs were worth approximately $3,000.
UP is developing UP CWS library’s LGBT Studies collection as the first dedicated LGBT-themed academic resource collection in the university, and possibly in the country, that is also open to students, scholars, advocates, and the general public.
The CWS library is an academic specialist library that focuses on both references and recreational (i.e., leisure reading) resources — international and local — on gender, sexuality, feminism, and now LGBT studies. Unlike other academic libraries, the CWS library is open to the public, including students from outside UP, researchers and scholars, and the interested public. It does not charge fees, and the OPAC (online public access catalog) is ready accessible at
“The mission of a library is to connect people and knowledge. We are pursuing this goal by creating a safe, supportive, and welcoming space full of books and other resources on LGBT studies that is open to the public,” said Eric Julian Manalastas, deputy director for research of publication and resource collection, as well as the organizer of the LGBT initiatives at the UP CWS library.
At the beginning of the year, UP CWS library’s LGBT Studies collection only had around 10 LGBT titles. Now after 10 months, as of October 9, it has 227 books (about 12% of the total of the library holdings). Collection development is ongoing so gifts and donations from the community are welcome.
The library is also a child-friendly library, with 30 storybooks for kids (for those guests with children), and a geek-friendly library, with 33 comic books and graphic novels (titles like Wonder Woman, Batgirl, Batwoman, Zsa Zsa Zaturnnah, Birds of Prey, Buffy, and Trese).
Visit UP CWS library at Magsaysay Street corner Ylanan Street, UP Diliman, Quezon City. It is open every Monday to Friday, from 9:00AM to 5:00PM. For more information, call (+632) 9818500 local 4229.