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Who does the dishes apparently matters in relationships

Keeping the house in order is hard work, especially if you’re a full-time worker. It therefore comes as no surprise that some relatively simple household chores can cause a lot of tension in relationships.

Photo by Anna Shvets from

Keeping the house in order is hard work, especially if you’re a full-time worker. It therefore comes as no surprise that some relatively simple household chores can cause a lot of tension in relationships.

With this in mind, wanted to find out which chores sparked the highest amount of tension within a relationship. To achieve this, the site surveyed 2,459 couples to find the answer, discovering that the chores that cause the most rifts are… pretty dirty (pun intended).

Here’s a list of the most commonly fought over chores within households:

Doing the dishes is the chore most likely to cause arguments, with 57% of couples reportedly getting into a spat over it.

Taking out the rubbish and cleaning the kitchen came second and third, at 46% and 42% respectively.

Dusting is the chore most likely to cause the least amount of arguments, with only 9%, suggesting a lot of couples are fine with sweeping this one under the rug.

Interestingly, among the espondents who are no longer in relationships, 15% revealed that quarreling over household chores was a direct contributor to the breakdown of their relationship.

Other findings include:

  • 40% of respondents disclosed that a lack of appraisal or acknowledgement for doing chores was a large factor in the sparking of arguments.
  • 90% of couples will spend up to one hour arguing with their significant other over chores, with 45% of these arguments incited by a feeling of the chore not having been completed properly.
  • 30% of couples argued about the timingsof the chore, showing that keeping to a schedule was a high priority. Only 15% argued over who was doing what chore, and the remaining 10% argued over entirely different things, with one respondent claiming that they “didn’t like doing it” – which isn’t surprising.

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