Being more honest in expressing a desired change predicted greater personal and relationship well-being for both partners, as well as greater partner motivation to...
Study participants reacted to a stranger’s showing interest for their partner by feeling less desire for their partner, a reduced interest in investing in...
House Bill 11005 eyes to allow the patient/principal to designate their partner/agent to make critical health decisions and receive vital health information on their...
Supportive dyadic coping leads to lower depression, anxiety, and stress for patients, as well as improved relationship quality. In contrast, negative dyadic coping increases...
A person’s body produced less cortisol in moments when their partner reported higher positive emotions than usual. This effect was even stronger than when...
The DINK lifestyle, short for "Dual Income No Kids," is becoming increasingly popular among Filipinos who value financial independence, personal growth, and a more...
31% of affairs happen with co-workers. Specifically, 9% of non-management and low-management employees report infidelity, a figure that more than doubles to 24% among...