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Career options that could benefit your family

More and more people are seeking a better home and work balance and a change of a career could be the ideal step in which to take it.

Sometimes you can find that your career is far from flexible in terms of getting more quality time with your loved ones. You may have changed as a person over the years, but your job hasn’t, and the hours may still be long or unsociable, the stress and pressure may still be high and not much changes, and generally you might not feel passionate about. This means that more and more people are seeking a better home and work balance and a change of a career could be the ideal step in which to take it.

But what careers or opportunities could you consider? Here are some of the ones that you could consider. 

Sometimes you can find that your career is far from flexible in terms of getting more quality time with your loved ones.

Working in the health and fitness sector

One of the first things to consider would be a career in the health and fitness sector. Often personal trainers are self employed, but you could also be employed and only work certain hours, making it very flexible and enjoyable. Not only could it be flexible in terms of hours, but it could also help you to change your lifestyle in the process. You might start to focus on your diet and what you eat, and of course, your fitness will be affected. Giving you the best of both worlds. 

Training for the army or navy seals 

It may sound like a bit of a left field suggestion, but the army or navy is one consistent employer that are always in need of decent people. People that are prepared to work hard and do something they feel strong and passionate about. You may be wondering how much do navy seals make or how much of a salary can you expect from the army, and thankfully there is a lot of information online. Full training is provided, making it a possible option for many to consider. 

Starting your own business

The next thing to consider would be starting your own business. Perhaps you have had an idea for some time, maybe you like the idea of taking some of the skills you already have and doing things yourself. A business might seem like a lot of work, but many people start these ventures at home, which could mean that you choose the hours you work. Maybe evenings or early mornings to get things done. It could be a great way to earn a living for your family while being present for the important moments. 

Working freelance

If a business sounds a little scary right now you could still consider working for yourself by working freelance. Maybe you have skills that are in demand, perhaps you like the idea of trying something new? Working freelance is a great way to cut out the middleman and bank more profit in the long term. You take on the projects you want to work on and choose the hours in which you work them. 

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Train as a teacher

Finally, if you still feel like a secure employment is the way forward then one great career option that could work around a family and for the future is to train to become a teacher. This gives you the school vacations off, and it gives you the chance to work in a school environment which in turn, could help you when it comes to a child. It might be a more long term plan, but it could certainly be the career change that you want and need. 

Let’s hope that this has given you something to think about in terms of your career prospects and the next step. 

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Your "not that regular" all-around gal, writing about anything, thus everything. "There's always more to discover... thus write about," she says in between - GASP! - puffs. And so that's what she does, exactly. Write, of course; not (just) puff.


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