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Celebrities style of marriage

Celebrities are jumping from one marriage to the other is as if they are changing clothes. This alone reveals that the sanctity of marriage has been lost. A sanctity which is originally portrayed by getting married in churches.

Filing for divorce is now the in thing. Being able to stay together as a married couple for a period of ten years is now a miracle indeed. The rate at which celebs are getting divorced and getting married again is very alarming. Celebrities are jumping from one marriage to the other is as if they are changing clothes. This alone reveals that the sanctity of marriage has been lost. A sanctity which is originally portrayed by getting married in churches.

No one really knows if the celebs really mean it when they say ‘’I do’’. It is shocking that some of the marriages fail even before they even start. Some celebs confirmed that their marriages were over long before they even got to the altar. Way before they are officially husband and wife.

Some celebrities opt out of marriage during they honeymoon period. This makes you wonder how they would have successfully convinced themselves that they want marriage in the first place.

To some celebrities, marriages have become commodities to be thrown away when they no longer like them. Commenting on this, some experts say that this common behavior among celebs is because they are rich and famous. Rich and popular people are used to having things whenever they want them. There is really no effort to make relationships to work by some celebrities. To some celebs it is unnecessary work fighting for their marriages. Especially if they can easily get a divorce.

The sad thing is that this example that celebs have set for their fans is now being practiced by ordinary people. It is better to play the latest online casino games than to waste money and time on a relationship that you are not willing to fight for, stop waste time and visit and stand a chance to win big.

Experts agree that marriage comes with psychological problems. This is because people are afraid to commit themselves to anything. As such they feel trapped when committing to marriage. However, some short marriages are a result of rushed decisions. Decisions made irrationally because of our emotions.

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Your "not that regular" all-around gal, writing about anything, thus everything. "There's always more to discover... thus write about," she says in between - GASP! - puffs. And so that's what she does, exactly. Write, of course; not (just) puff.


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